flavoring?how do you flavor your buds?


New Member
i read that is you feed plants plant 2 weeksin into harvastin they taste like plant food?what if i washed with flavored water????
THC vampire said:
if you do get mold is it bad to still smoke it?

Yes. Do not smoke mouldy weed.

Humans can harbor certain types of molds in our sinus cavities. If they are the wrong type, you may have to have you entire nasal cavity removed (a'ka the entire top half of your face.) Not pretty, and not something you should chance. Odds are its just harmless grey mold, but still. After seeing pictures of what someone looks like after having nearlt his whole face removed..I'll pass.
Check the sticky thread, oh look here it is. Good picture tutorial.
THC vampire said:
if you do get mold is it bad to still smoke it?

But all is not lost! Moldy weed can be saved by making Honey oil with it, I prefer butane but Iso works too. :smokin:
Wow:trance: thank you GOd i was lucky cause ive smoked almost a whole ounce of moldy weed..!!!! but not willingly...my buddy got it for free from his sisters bf cause the ounce got moldy from the same reason of orange peals...i had my doubts but was not even told it was the moldy weed, till we where almost done!!!!:smokin3::Rasta:
I dont see the need to disguise the natural taste of what your smoking.:hmmmm:

Since we have several diff varieties, all with a different taste unique to themselves, we don't get bored with how they taste.

Alaska Lady :nomo:
I read something on one of htese threads about putting your bud inside a baby food jar [like apple or peach...] and it can do something to the bud in terms of flavor/smell. I dont know. I just read it a while ago. Is it true?? :peace:
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