
Sulfur is indicated for use on roses to prevent pm and also helps ward off mites. I’ve heard / read that it’s not good to use sulfur when plants are in flower cycle... but IDK?? Maybe it imparts bad taste - like wearing a plaid suit with a polka dot shirt. Tastes great... less filling.

Anyway... I’m thinking that if you run some sulfur and ground up mosquito dunks in top layers of soil all during veg, plus re-apply the sulfur dusting over duration of the grow and yes maybe even very light dustings in flower... that might work. Sadly - I don’t grow outdoors.

indoors grower here and have dogs plus love the outdoors. I had been dusting with sulfur and things were good. Then I ran out and forgot to buy more.... funny thing but that 5 or 6 week window of not re-applying sulfur is when I picked up mites which turned into an infestation. Coincidence? Hmm no, I think not.

thoughts, comments, corrections, criticisms???
When do you guys stop giving nutes and give only water before harvest?
I’ve started giving them a nice soak once a week. But, I’ve been unknowingly underwatering them. Even though I’ve been watering them everyday. I’ve tried watering 2 to 3 times a week but they don’t like it, and start limping from the top.
Believe what you wish. I notice NO mention of accumulated salts in their explanation of flushing and this is a humongous omission. If you look at the feeding instructions from Fox Farms, who actually make some of the nutrients that your seed company seems to be an expert in, they DO recommend regular flushes of the soil, exactly for the reason stated by RQS as a problem... to remove built up nutes.
If that's true then, why keep adding nutes? Why not stop adding nutes at some point, and use up all the nutes!
If that's true then, why keep adding nutes? Why not stop adding nutes at some point, and use up all the nutes!
because they are not all used at the same rate. When you run out of one thing and not the others, things can get very ugly. Then, think of an organic grow that has all the nutes the plants would need already in the soil... somehow it does not seem necessary to flush a plant in this situation or somehow take the plant out of that nutritious soil... and these grows turn out to be the best of any method we know of.
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