Flushing amended soil with Synthetic


420 Member
Hi guys,

Here are some pics of my grow. I will try to give you as much info as I can.

This is my third time growing cannabis and I have spent a lot of time researching through videos and threads but this particuliar plant is a little different:

1- it was given to me as a small plant in summer time and didn’t veg too well (lack of sun)
2- when the season changed, the flowers weren’t developing well because of the lack of sun.
3- So I decided to re-install my indoor grow tent and bring her in. I couldn’t see myself letting her go.
4- although the soil mix contains a variety of manure/fertilizers, i added worm castings in it. Not being too sure of which week it started to flower, i decided to feed it with a mix of synthetic bloom nutes and big bud.
5-Now the time has come where leaves have started to change. i decided to flush it last sunday. I flushed it again yesterday and today also. The runoff is still yellow. I’m a little worried now.
I’ve given about triple the quantity of water (it’s a 3 gallon pot). Is it normal that the run off is still yellow? I’m thinking it’s because or the organic fertilizers, the color will remain the same. I have no EC monitor and no lens to check trichomes. Just trying to use my gut feeling with it.

any help is greatly appreciated and willing to reply with more info if u have any questions!



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The color of runoff water means nothing useful, same for ph or ppm of runoff - they mean diddly squat. Anytime you water a plant to runoff, fine sediments, manures, fertilizers or chemical salts from bottled nutes come out in the wash.

This is gonna sound gross but your dinner doesn’t look the same going in as it does coming out, now does it? Apologies gross.... anyhow thanks to the web everyone across the globe has heard of flushing but they don’t know why, just some dude told them to. Flushing is more of hydro thing anyway... so tell me how you gonna flush a 600 acre cornfield? Not possible. Do you think your fruits and veggies are flushed before the reach grocery store or farmers market? They are not, nope not even premo organic stuff at Whole Foods. Go ask the farm manager about that... he won’t have a clue about flushing (unless he grows weed on the side) and once you tell him he will laugh.

Yes you can wash out an nutrient imbalance during the grow... or flush the soil in order to give a big final push of nutrients but flushing 3 X container volume with water does noting to help your soil or your plants to finish.... by flushing you are actually starving the plant at its most critical time.

You can’t wash nutes out of your buds, you can’t improve taste or ash color by flushing, you can‘t wash the roots to improve the fruits, sorry but it don’t work that way. Test results on flushed versus unflushed bud can be found here....
Well, crap. I guess it’s too late to do anything now. However, good news is that it started to yellow anyway.

I’ll wait until most of leaves turn yellow.

Thanks a lot for the rich answer. This is great information and I will definitely take that into account next time.
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