Flushing Plants help

You should use 3 times the potsize of water, 10gallon pot=30gallons of water.
I only done this once and did it too fast resulting in the soil getting very compact, with this in mind id suggest you flush in the same manner that you normaly water.
Flush very slow... If you pour water in faster than it drains out you are not flushing you are just moving the nutrients around in the soil. The water pushes the nutes out through the drain holes so no more will be absorbed and the plant can use up what it has left.

Like Insider said compaction is a problem with going to quickly also. If soil becomes to compact the roots have a hard time breathing making it hard to use up it's nutes and possibly leading to death.

Start flushing 2 weeks before you harvest.
i used time release ferts on my last grow, and didn't realize that the nutes are released when its watered. so when i flushed, i was reallly releasing more shit. i know, i probably should have known that, but it is what it is. anyway, the bud turned out okay, but it still seemed like there was a plant taste to it.
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