Fox Farm nutrients shelf life

George Mc

Well-Known Member
Hello, is there a shelf life on Fox Farm Trio nutrients? I have the bottles tucked away so I can't look at them right now but I assume the manufacturer puts an expiration date on it just to cover their ass. Has anybody been using the same bottle for several years and still get good results? When I get done with my next grow which will be 6 months from now the nutrients will be about 2 years old. Was just wondering if that's past their lifetime or are we still good?
Old company email response:

Thank you for your question. Storing them in the correct conditions, the shelf life for Big Bloom is 3-4 years and it gets better with age like a fine wine!
The shelf life of Tiger Bloom and Grow Big is 2-3 years, preferably 2 years.

The FoxFarm team appreciates your interest in the products.

Best regards,
Customer Service
FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Co.

Later, there was clarification that they wouldn't actually expire, that the above was just their recommendations "for best results." Remember to shake them well each time you use them, and to really shake them after storing them for a period of time.
Old company email response:

Later, there was clarification that they wouldn't actually expire, that the above was just their recommendations "for best results." Remember to shake them well each time you use them, and to really shake them after storing them for a period of time.
I'll probably use my nutrients through the year and then trash them and start over
I emailed Fox Farm headquarters yesterday and they replied back to me today. They said the nutrients should last 3 or 4 years and after that they start losing their potency a little bit but they're still safe to use.
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