Fruits of my labor

i saw your pictures on here

Fruits of my labor

and i wanted to know if you keep your plant out in the open or you have a set up? if so pics? i want to grow something like you have in those pictures. i have 15 random seeds of different kinds. and i feel useless with them. i'm a newbie and want to learn. idk if u wud be able to give me step by step i.e got messanger?(AIM)
Nice buds dude I would love to hit some of that in the bong....cute little dog too does he or she like to smoke weed lollolo my dogs always next to me when Im smoking once I blow a little her way she wants out of the smoke room hahahaha
That trim joint would probably get me higher than most the stuff that's going around here right now!!! What kind of paper is that?
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