Garden Pest or Garden Protector?


New Member
Hamish, as he is now called, has become a regular in my grow closet over the past week. I regularly see him crawling around on my top soil snagging the few Fungus Nat's he comes across or patrolling the plants themselves, checking the undersides of leaves for small insects and parasite to eat. Although the Fungus Nat's were never a very big problem since Hamish has shown up they are pretty much non existent. During our first few encounters Hamish would quickly scurry away to a safe place and then observe me go about my grow closet business. We now seem to have an understanding however and he is much more comfortable being around me. But if I get too close he quickly jumps away and let me tell you...Hamish can jump!



Around mid November I had another smaller spider visiting my grown room(although this one was much smaller and black w/white spots) but he hasn't been seen for quite some time. I don't see this spider as being much of a problem since it is an 'active predator' and does not spin a web.

Is Hamish something I should worry about? I have seen no changes in conditions or plant health since he appeared....except for a decrease in Fungus Nat's.
He's actaully a jumping spider. They don't spin webs and are harmless to humans. He's good for the garden.
Yeah spiders are good for your garden. I never kill spiders in my basement cause if they are there they are eating bugs and most likely it is not bugs you want around your grow.
Thanks for all the advice! I will be looking into getting some supplemental food to keep him around for the long haul. My grow partner actually found a fly to give him earlier today....and Hamish was pleased. :high-five:
You even used him as your profile pic! Very right on man! Spiders are good for your garden. I mean, they won't take out an aphid pandemic but they'll do their part to help out.
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