General 420 Talk

Should it Stay or Go?

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Personally, i think it will get rid of a lot of the trash that gets posted here by rude and immature people...

420 Magazine is here to Create Cannabis Awareness, not to provide a place for kids at play...

I have tried everything in my power to find a team of mods who can properly remove this trash, but there seems to be way more trash than the mods can handle...rude comments to girls, threads talking about other drugs, putting people down to feel better about themselves... basically, everything we do not allow... it's stressing me, them, everyone... something must be done... until i can afford to pay a staff to monitor this stuff by the minute, i am thinking of closing the general 420 talk and any other forum that breeds this trash we work so hard to remove, every single day.

I did not start this website to become a psycologist or to make friends or enemies... i did it to create enough awareness to help change these laws... i am sick and tired of dealing with drama and this general forum seems to be the mother of it all... i have much more important things to deal with than some kid pissed off that he can't show pictures of his shrooms... complete waste of time and energy for us all...

You guys have no idea what it's like to get emails from a thousand people a day...and have to answer all of them... i would much rather be answering questions from people who want to get involved instead of people who are pissed off because someone called them names... it's just so ridiculous.... and i refuse to deal with this drama any longer... it's ruining my mind... I am miserable every day... i no longer have fun doing what i do.... this must change.... NOW.

This discussion is wide open to feedback...
why would it go? i'd say its the busiest/best subforum there is here, and to take it away would need a strong replacement. I vote for it to stay.
of course it should stay! its the most popular on the boards.

why would u think of getting rid of it?
Did either of you read 420's post? He very clearly stated his reasons. Very valid ones in my opinion. I'd say let it go. More headache than it's fucking worth.
I think too many of the new members don't read the rules to know what they are. I don't understand the discurtisy of members within eachother though. There is no reason why every one here can't get along. I agree there are some posts that don't contribute to it being a mature environment at times.
I dont agree with a lot of the bullshit talk that goes down around here. in turn I also believe that as people we have the oh so unfornunate right to say whatever the hell we please. Most people dont understand that coming to this site is like walking into your house. If you dont like what a person has to say you also have the right to tell them to hit the fucking road. I guess you should do what you damn well please.
I like the general cause it is fun at times but if it goes so be it. I might get more work done if its closed. I agree too much bull, but let it go? I will just abide by 420's decision but I vote for it to stay. See if Cherry can handle it, he is always on it and he's a cool cat. He never wanted newshawk but lounge mod.
Think about this though. If you have the "General" sub-forum, yes all the trash and stupid stuff goes there, but that means it stays out of other sub-forums as well and makes them free of the stupid threads.
I agree with 420.....this forum has a lot of shit on it. There was post the other day about ejaculating on a females face. What the fuck does that have to do with this site?????? NOTHING. Seriously......if its that much trouble to the Mods, then fuck it. I do spend some time in there though and enjoy it. But it might just be not worth the trouble. Whatever you decide i will still frequent the site:peace:
RooRman said:
Think about this though. If you have the "General" sub-forum, yes all the trash and stupid stuff goes there, but that means it stays out of other sub-forums as well and makes them free of the stupid threads.

SHIT......never thought of that.....damnit Roorman, why u gots 2 b so smart?:allgood: LOL
It will not stop the emails though. Its a headache on roids in there sometimes because of the same stupids shit that happens in there. Many threads have nothing weed related and that is a violation of the rules. Each mod has there own section to look after and a lounge mod does nothing but babysit. 2 sides of every coin dude.
I voted for it to stay. I love going there when im baked and just chill ,reading posts. Sure, some are just rediculous, but if we didnt have that form ,there would be all that non-sense talk where all the good info is at. im with Roorman on this one. But its up to you..
As someone who has had to manage countless forums, I know where you are at right now. Once you reach a peak of popularity things seem like they go perpetually downhill.

You think "Man, I miss the good old days". Eventually you realize that it was ALWAYS like this, there are just more people now.

If you have to close the General Board, then so be it. It is your decision. As you said the goal of the board is to promote awareness, not fluff. But at the same time, you have to realize that the General Boards are the Lifeline to the entire forum. This is true with any Message Board.

In any case, I support the decision. Not that my singular opinion matters a whole lot. ;)

I would volunteer to do a cleanup job. I'm not sure being a Mod would be ideal, since I am new and haven't yet garnered the respect that I think a Mod should have. But perhaps you should think of picking a group of people who are willing to clean up behind the scenes. They don't get the official title, but they have the power to lock, delete, or modify threads and posts as they see fit. And then they always have the actuall mods to defer to when something needs to be said in public.

There is a large, large, forum that I visit that has done this. I got chosen to be one of the "mantainers" and it's entirely behind the scenes. This way you have plenty of people to do it, but it doesn't seem the like board is flooded with staff.

I'm sure if you brought on about 10 dedicated mantainers who have an intimate knowledge of and respect for the rules you could keep on top of the garbage posts. Just be sure you pick people who have the time, dedication, and won't let any sort of power go to their heads.
i mean the subforum does say "talk about anything u want" so i guess thats what people are doing. But if its really getting out of hand then i say delete it but its up to u. just make it easier for yourself since u own the site and your taking the time to make it available to the ppl that are over 18.
I'd really hate to see it go, What i've noticed latley, is there is alot of newbies, dont get me wrong some of them are mature and know what there talking about, but some of them are a total waste of site space, making pointless threads, talking about other drugs, and just plain stupid shit. You do what you gotta do ....
Yes you have good reasons for wanting rid of the general forum, but what we talk about there is the heart and soul of the pot head/marijuana culture. Well usually, sometimes you get the unwanted "dude im sooo wasted off jack and im on shrooms!!"- but there is always bad that comes along with good, you just have to ignore the unwanted and hope the mods can do their job. Other frequents here could and should help my private messaging the mods and keeping them aware of immature posts. Thats just what I think, you are the king tho 420. :)
RooRman said:
Think about this though. If you have the "General" sub-forum, yes all the trash and stupid stuff goes there, but that means it stays out of other sub-forums as well and makes them free of the stupid threads.
I agree with RooRman. Its better to have the stupid posts concentrated somewhere where mods can get to it, not dispersed around the whole fprum.

If it has to go, let it be. If it doesn't work out you can always bring it back.
maybe restrict the "High, I'm New" people to not being able to start threads and only post in threads until they get to be "Marijuana Smokers"
just because everybody is blaming the newbies...
i also like the idea of getting reliable people who spend much of their day in that forum anyway to clean it up and maybe have them recieving all the PMs so u dont get em all. then they can see what PMs are important and which are bull and react accordingly.
Lots of pro's and con's to either decision...

Getting rid of the forum will reduce your traffic to a fraction of what it was, from what I can determine as far as forum popularity goes. Or, like some have said, it will just disperse those who posted in here to other forums where they will wreak the same havoc, just not as orgnaized. It will also get rid of the only designated area where you can just talk about ANYTHING (within the -commonly ignored- guidelines) and it seems like it could put a stopper on free speaking (in other words, some may find it hard to post what they'd like to say because there isn't the proper forum for it).

Getting rid of the forum will, however, get rid of much of the useless bull that does go down in here, and all that that implies.

But you're forgetting a few things here... There are ALWAYS going to be immature, rude people (I'm sure I've been counted among them a few times at least), there are always going to be those who do not obey the rules, and those who would just like to cause other's grief.

Though I voted to close it, I think BluntKilla has a good idea:

-Don't let newbies post new threads
-Become violently strict about the rules. NO SHIT. Period.

Personally, I'm not attached to the forum that much... I enjoy perusing it as I enjoy perusing the other forums of this board, but it wouldn't sadden me too much to see it go...

What would disturb me, though, is seeing some of our more respectable members leaving when their beloved forum gets shut down.
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