going organic.....why is it only for food etc..??

Why is it that if were going organic in all the other areas in life....food, products, cleaning supplies...

why dont we go organic for medicine?

I dont get why at night if someone has a hard time sleeping they cant just get up and have a brownie, a bowl, or a vape full and head back off to sleep. America wants us to take a sleep pill that is not organic made in a chem lab....and can have these side effects.....

Common side effects of over-the-counter sleeping pills
drowsiness the next day
lack of coordination
urinary retention
blurred vision, and
dry mouth and throat

like seriously the side effects of sleeping pills are almost just as bad as not sleeping.....

......lack of coordination? blurred vision? DRY MOUTH?( sounds like being high without the euphoria) So... awesome I get to feel like Shit the entire time I am on it.....when I could have just has a bowl and went to sleep and woke up the next day feeling pretty darn good.

I just dont get why they would rather have us put stuff in our bodies that could make us feel more like crap or kill off other organs....

yall have seen that commercial....

this may cause liver problems...your kidneys may shut down and you might not be able to control bowel movements.

I understand that there are times when you really do need certain meds to help you but if theres something else that we can use to help certain things...thats organic....we should be able to..or at least given the right to choose.

indeed. i try and live as simple and as pure as possible, especially when it comes to things that are in and around me. stay hi

i hate doctors and medicine, i vowed to not go back again when i went to my doc about anxiety issues and he went to his wall of sample medicines im sure he gets payed to push onto his patients and grabbed a box and said here take these....i started reading the sideeffects and thought about the sideffects of weed and i threw the pills out he gave me
Its all about funding from big pharm companies... okay I won't go into one of those rants...

Sorry :)

You could of gone into the rant... of course we all know exactly what you would say. It's all about keeping the rich guy rich(er). I think that sums it up pretty good.
you should try and find a Dr. from india they have a thousand year plus auruvedic[sp?] medical tradition

this is going to be an international legal issue as biotech companies try to patent as new medicines derivitives of traditional auruvedic
herbal remedies that are in thousand year old hindu texts

i wish i knew of such a local Dr. ....
Before eveyone gets misty eyed about traditional medicine, how did traditional infant mortality rates compare with modern ones? How about longevity? When is the last time that the traditional scourge of smallpox killed someone who used traditional medicines?

Modern medicine may make the pharm.s rich, but overall it works better than traditional medicines did.

That does not excuse over medicalizing life.
"The boy isn't a rambunsious youngster, he's got ADHD. Here, give him this pill."
"Its hot, I can't sleep." "Take a pill"
"My wife left me, I'm feeling bummed." "You may be in the beginning stages of ..., here take a pill."

By traditional metrics (infant mortality, longevity) modern medicine achieves better results than traditional medicine did. The pill is mightier than herbs.

It ain't the pills fault that they are being oversold.
I went to the doctor a long time ago cause I felt sick every morning and right away he just gave me pills. So I went home and my mother had the exact same pills for something completely different.

I think that it is also just a general thing stuck in peoples heads now. "something is wrong with me what should I do, I need pills to fix it."
its kinda sad, I don't even like taking advil unless its neccessary but some of my friends go through a bottle every week or 2
I have A.D.D. and they gave me some pills for it. A nice sativa fixes my problem. If I had a dollar for every time someone tried to buy my A.D.D. pills from me I would be a millionaire.
Yeah...this is fight that we have been on for a while. Why can't it be used as a medicine all over the U.S.? I know I'm a diabetic and I have to take 6 pills a day and 2 shots a day. It really sux, especially cause I'm still kinda young. Mary Jane helps out so much with the side effects I have from the meds that the doc gives me. I have extreme nausea somtimes and marijuana fixes that right up.
I still hope to be optimistic about the situation just b/c there are so many groups out there now fighting for this right. I hope someday it can be used as a medicine to help many people. PEACE OUT.
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