GooRoo here!


420 Member
Hi I have question and need some info on aphids!?!? Never had them before and this year they hit hard. Harvest soon and don't want to end up with bud and bugs....... Dawn dish soap kills the little fuckers but is it going to taste soapy, can I spray buds directly, do I rinse them off before I hang to dry ect???? Please help thanks..... Roow
Hi I have question and need some info on aphids!?!? Never had them before and this year they hit hard. Harvest soon and don't want to end up with bud and bugs....... Dawn dish soap kills the little fuckers but is it going to taste soapy, can I spray buds directly, do I rinse them off before I hang to dry ect???? Please help thanks..... Roow
Hi GooRoo420 I've heard one can spray them off with a little pressure like from a pump sprayer. I don't have experiance with that. I, and many of us here do bud washing as we harvest. Doc Bud has a tutorial. Fear not. Bud Washing
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