Greenhorn? What's A Greenhorn? You're A Greenhorn!


New Member
Hello everyone,

Just thought I'd be social & introduce myself...

My name is Brandon Carrol McKimmons and I'm 32 years old living & working in Lake Havasu City, Arizona for now...

I've been smoking weed most of my life and it's been my go to for self medicating since I was 19, which is when my stomach/bowel issues began. 10+ years later, 10+ doctors later with no health insurance the entire time while being employed as an IT technician and I ended up with a pretty hefty opiod habit/tolerance, was out thousands upon thousands of $$$ over the years in other crap prescriptions that did absolutely nothing except make my situation worse and had lost multiple REALLY great jobs due absences or they found out I was smoking pot.

Cut to a few weeks ago and I went ahead and bought some CBD glycerin tincture at my local dispense. That was cool & all but left a lot to be desired in pain relief and so I was forced to continue the opiods. After experiencing the CBD alone I felt I should really make the effort to find CBD dominant strains of cannabis. That was the single best decision I've ever made in my life up to this point. No joke...

The strain was "Canna-Tsu!" and the folks at the dispense I got it from said they had it tested and it was 15% CBD to less than 1% THC. I've been making my own concentrates/extracts for about a year and a half now and in my researching that subject I also found out that cannabinoids & other alkaloids found in nature most often work best when in the presence of the other cannabinoids or alkaloids that they are found naturally occuring with. As opposed to just CBD or just THC or whatever the case may be. Knowing this I made a 1:1 extract by throwing in some of the high THC cannabis I'd been buying previously...

I've never felt better, more at peace and with TOTAL and COMPLETE relief of my symptoms of Crohn's Disease. I'm not a religious person but the only phrase I can come up with to explain this feeling is 'holy' ... If there was a guy named Jesus and he was performing miracles I'm certain it was with a CBD dominant strain of cannabis used in their holy annointing oil. At any rate it's magnificent and I've found that the more CBD in my extracts the better but some good THC added is still best...

My problem now is the closest dispense, which was the place I was getting the Canna-Tsu! from, has run out and it's said to be months before they'll get more. This was pretty devastating, I'm not going to lie... So, now I'm looking at going all the way to Las Vegas and take the chance that the dispense I found there has the Charlotte's Web they claim to have. Or drive even further into the Phoenix area and pick up some Cannatonic from one of the dispenses there. I'm pretty sure both places likely have what they claim but due to Nevada's medical cannabis scene being a *little* shadier than Arizona's, I'm hesitant.

I'm just a regular working guy, living paycheck-to-paycheck(as I've done my entire life) and just trying to get back to some kind of normal life. I had that with the Canna-Tsu! and so now I cannot go without. I haven't taken or even THOUGHT to take any kind of opiod and honestly I never want to take them ever again. With a perfect attitude and perfect poops(gross I know but for anyone with Crohn's it's a beautiful thing), I could see myself actually having a family at some point where as before the CBD cannabis I had resigned to never pass my "curse" to any potential offspring.

I explain this to people, even those at the dispensaries with the same condition as myself but I see it in their faces that they simply do not understand... I ask where a CBD dominant strain could be found if they don't have one and they constantly just try and bring up even more powerful THC strains. THC is great, I've loved it largely my entire life. At this point in my life however I just want some kind of normalcy and happiness. The CBD dominant strains give me this and so my journey to find a reliable, affordable source continues...

If anyone has any questions on:

*Making extracts/concentrates
*Reflux & other types of distillations
*CBD in general
*Crohn's Disease
*Gluten - I also have Celiac Disease yay for multiple auto-immune diseases! lol...

Don't hesitate to contact or in some way ask me. I'll do my best to answer in less than 1000 words(no guarantee, lol).

I'm also a programmer/web designer and full time IT technician so I can also answer any of those questions I suppose...
Re: Greenhorn? What's A Greenhorn?? You're A Greenhorn!

It is stories like this that are going to change the tide of public opinion. Really glad that you had such positive results and good to hear how you found noticeable differences between CBD alone and a 1:1 CBD:THC mixture.

Hope you manage to find yourself a reliable source. You should look into growing your own, then you are the master of your own supply.

nice intro
made me feel for ya bro
i hope that in the near future it is much easier for you and those that need
to get your medications
stay strong and do no wrong and you will last long
take care and good luck
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