Grow tents for growing indoors only?


New Member
I just relocated to a wooded area in northern NY and live in a one room cabin. Do yo think I can prep a grow tent to have a way to grow my own outside? I could put the grow tent under a canopy or, in a big camping tent or something like that? I'm doing hydroponics, not soil. Thank you, George.


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As long as you keep it well ventilated and keep all the electrics safe and waterproof. With dwc theres also water temps to take into account which outdoor could get too low. The least you would need id say is a foundation and a roof
You will also havre to research tents. Find a good canvas one that can handle weather and you should do fine. In this case tent material should be your main concern.
Winter temps will win in the end....the cost/benefit ratio of successfully conducting any non-insulated winter grow is brutal. I have an insulated GH and within that I have sealed box of 2" foam board walls comprising a 2x4x5' grow space. That is heated by capturing the heat from my LED light 18/6 overnight, and the GH is heated in the day by whatever available sun there is...and I still barely maintain the minimum growing conditions. I don't do DWC for cannabis, but I work with aquaponics and know what it takes to keep water in temp range....the cold always wins.

Not to be a downer, just to save you all the effort and frustration.

Use the summer season for outdoor and consider a smaller indoor grow for the winter. One benefit I've noticed is that the bright (white) lighting was a pleasure to be around in the long, dark winter months. Some people sit in front of light boxes to treat could sit admiring your grow!
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