Have u read any good books lately?

unfortunately that is the way its heading . As long as society doesnt take an interest in things like where our beef and vegies come from as long as its ready to eat in seconds for them . I truly believe things will change in this country but its not going to be our decesion. And its going to change wether we want to or not..
How recent?

Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan (regarding where your beef and veggies come from)
The Joke's Over: Bruised Memories (of Hunter S. Thompson) by Ralph Steadman
Cosmic Banditos by A.C. Weisbecker (funny - pot-smugglers meet quantum physics)

All time pothead-smuggling classic: Checkout "Smokescreen" by Robert Sabaag (also titled "Loaded: Misadventure on the marijuana trail...). Awesome book for the head.
What genre? I've got a large bookcase filled three stacks deep - mostly SF & Fantasy.
I also have two books about weed smuggling from an old British smuggler who's past his prime...
No im not mean at all just native american. My friends named me that after a long night of partying...never could shake it after that..oh well.. THanks for the info on these books i love to read and have read everything around here. Biscanna, I think ill take your advice and try to find smokescreen and omnivores dilemma..that sounds like a fun adventure to go on. thanks rezzdawg
oh RaggedEdge, would u happen to have some of the xanth's series? I forget who wrote them but it was about a magical land where everybody had a special talant it just varied in scale. Any ways it was a good 4 of 5 books in the series. Taught kids lessons like the harry potter books do..any way i would buy them from u if u had them. Thanks for responding. Have a great day
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