Hello from Southern Ontario Canada

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Take your coat off and get to know some the locals, the staff here are great and our members are top shelf... :Namaste:
suffer from migraines, having a hard time locating a freindly doc. had the same doctor for 30 plus years now he is retired. any help would be super duper.
Please private message me

I am older and not good with computers, never mind trying to figure out how to become a member of this society and also be able to write private messages to other members.

I am just getting frustrated and not sure how to go about asking for help to find a compassionate doctor near Simcoe, Ontario.

Help would be much Much appreciated, please

Thanks muchly

Please private message me

I am older and not good with computers, never mind trying to figure out how to become a member of this society and also be able to write private messages to other members.

I am just getting frustrated and not sure how to go about asking for help to find a compassionate doctor near Simcoe, Ontario.

Help would be much Much appreciated, please

Thanks muchly


Hey Oma, :welcome: to 420 Magazine!

Well, you've already become a member...but you have to have 50 posts before you can private message anyone. That is for the protection of the members.

Maybe this will help:

MMA Doctor Ontario Canada, eastern Ontario or try looking here: Medical Marijuana

I think you'll find this is the best mmj community out there...dedicated to spreading awareness of the benefits of Cannabis. :thumb:

Our members are some of the most knowledgable and the most helpful anywhere, and I think you'll like it here!

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I already have my B1 done and am now legal but will need a doc to sign my R1 form and am now trying to find one who'll sign before it runs out. I was just arrested for the first time in my 46 years for possession and I emailed health can. to see if they'll publish a list of those who'll sign and they said they don't have one. I live in the North bay, Ontario area but would be willing to travel to Toronto if need be. I have osteoarthritis and a crushed lower vertabra with a compressed fracture and another in my neck, doc wanted me on morphine but I refused and told him it's debilitating when cannabis works just fine at keeping me out of a wheelchair and cannot afford to pay for it. Thanks
I already have my B1 done and am now legal but will need a doc to sign my R1 form and am now trying to find one who'll sign before it runs out. I was just arrested for the first time in my 46 years for possession and I emailed health can. to see if they'll publish a list of those who'll sign and they said they don't have one. I live in the North bay, Ontario area but would be willing to travel to Toronto if need be. I have osteoarthritis and a crushed lower vertabra with a compressed fracture and another in my neck, doc wanted me on morphine but I refused and told him it's debilitating when cannabis works just fine at keeping me out of a wheelchair and cannot afford to pay for it. Thanks

I'm no doctor...but I think you're making the right decision trying to move away from the pharmaceuticals. :thumb: Unfortunately, I know many people harmed very badly by them...they believed there were no other options, now the problems from those poisons are much more severe than the original condition. In some cases, even life threatening...one person I speak of was just placed on an organ transplant list...

I believe with nutrition and cannabis, there's not a whole lot that can't be helped, and without the need for chemical poisons! The only thing I can complain about is that not every strain works for my pain...but that problem is made worse by prohibition, if it were legal it would be much easier to find what works best.

I'm in the states, and don't know too much about Canada's laws, I wish I could be of more assistance to you brother...the other option is that you grow for yourself, just like many of us.

I don't understand how the government can keep the cure for cancer illegal. When I first viewed that 4 min. David Triplett video all I could think is they're all guilty of genocide by not making this available to everyone instead of pushing chemicals anti-deppressants and morphine on us all. I've lost 9 loved ones too cancer and then learn that Harvard has proven our C1 and C2 cell receptors were made too take it and it also opens your pineal gland. I just did a disability hearing and told them to force me onto morphine when cannabis works scares the shit out of me...I'm sick of having to put up with corrupt politicians decideing whether I can have it or not and then charging the sick and elderly because of federal law overiding state laws which the Constitution says we have a right to consume illicet drugs in our own home. I knew I shouldn't of opened the door too him...rookies. I pray for a green clean world so remember you don't have to vote obamny when their's Gov. Gary Johnson who wants to make cannabis a non-issue. Thanks anyhow
I don't understand how the government can keep the cure for cancer illegal. When I first viewed that 4 min. David Triplett video all I could think is they're all guilty of genocide by not making this available to everyone instead of pushing chemicals anti-deppressants and morphine on us all. I've lost 9 loved ones too cancer and then learn that Harvard has proven our C1 and C2 cell receptors were made too take it and it also opens your pineal gland. I just did a disability hearing and told them to force me onto morphine when cannabis works scares the shit out of me...I'm sick of having to put up with corrupt politicians decideing whether I can have it or not and then charging the sick and elderly because of federal law overiding state laws which the Constitution says we have a right to consume illicet drugs in our own home. I knew I shouldn't of opened the door too him...rookies. I pray for a green clean world so remember you don't have to vote obamny when their's Gov. Gary Johnson who wants to make cannabis a non-issue. Thanks anyhow

I have already donated to Gary Johnson's campaign, and have also volunteered to help the campaign in my area! :thumb:

I think there's a couple reasons why they don't want a cure. The first is unquestionably money! The U.S. FDA, and few other acronyms blatantly act to protect and advance the interests of "big pharma" that make billions from cancer drugs and "research". Then there's the charities that also make billions...they all talk about increasing survivability, but you never hear them researching why cancer is exploding. And let's not forget the billions that the medical establishment makes, cutting parts out of people, and irradiating/pumping poison into their veins as a "treatment".

I think the other reason, is that the global elites that are running things behind the scenes, openly talk about wanting to reduce the world population by as much as 90%...people you would know, like Bill Gates openly talks about reducing the world population in speeches everywhere. Anyway, if you wanted to reduce the population why would you want a cure for cancer?

I suffer with rheumatoid arthritis, migraines, anxiety, sleep disorder, fibromyalgia, depression. I cannot find a doctor willing to sign my papers. I am so desperate for relief. Can someone help me? I don't know where else to trun.
if you look at the dates of this post it is over 3 years old. If you have been diagnosed by other doctors for your condtions you can try Green Leaf Medical in BC, they do skype appointments but they are a little pricey. There is also Canadian Cannabis Clinics in southern ontario and they do not charge, but you have to go see them, no skype.
Thank you! I don't know how this post wasn't deleted as spam? He had ONE post in 2011 and that was his only post ever. I reported it as spam and advertising. It bothers me that something like this can give someone who is suffering false hope for relief because that dude isn't going to help anyone! Good looking out brother!
if you look at the dates of this post it is over 3 years old. If you have been diagnosed by other doctors for your condtions you can try Green Leaf Medical in BC, they do skype appointments but they are a little pricey. There is also Canadian Cannabis Clinics in southern ontario and they do not charge, but you have to go see them, no skype.
if you look at the dates of this post it is over 3 years old. If you have been diagnosed by other doctors for your condtions you can try Green Leaf Medical in BC, they do skype appointments but they are a little pricey. There is also Canadian Cannabis Clinics in southern ontario and they do not charge, but you have to go see them, no skype.

Thank you. I will research them today.
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