Help Cuttings not Rooting?


New Member
Hi there, I'm new to this game , I've done a couple of grows before but i always iused to buy the cuttings, this time ive taken my own cuttingsd 5 days ago and there still not rooting, i used clonex and coco soil They all look like they have rooted, I:E they are all upright an nice and green , but Nothing yet, I have had them under a 45W cfl. will a 600W Hid Help as i cant afford to lose thjese babirs,Any advice anyone please
Thanks forlooking,
Be patient. Five days showing roots in an aero cloner would be great. Just don't go messing with them. In another week-ten days you'll see roots.

No, the 600 watt HID will not help. I keep mine in a "dark" corner of my veg room. If you start hitting them hard with light the leaves will curl and turn yellow, potentially killing them.
my cuttings all rooted as you said i just left them in a corner for 10 days and theye all growing with purpouse only prob im haveing is the mother the cuttings were taken from is just growing towards the light now shes in 12/12 how can i stop it growing any taller?
Look up LST, Super cropping, and Pinching Back. All techniques used alone or in a combination will work.
will lst or supercropping not kill the plant now that its well into flowering stage, ? ill definatly use it nxt time but i fear if i mess with it now it may not survive ive never seen anything like it the mutha's 6ft tall FFS im sure there trying tto make this harder than it need be? cheers pal, as i say all roooted an veging nicley how many weeks shall i bath them in light for 18hrs befor switching to 12/12
I'd look at going with the Low Stress Training. As long as you don't snap branches, no harm will be do to the plant.

I run Hempy Sea of Green, so they go right from the cloner to 12/12. I wouldn't veg (18/4, 24 hr) beyond a few weeks for larger plants. But I am limited in height, trying to get the most per square foot. Most plants will double in height the first two weeks of bloom. So if you attempt to flower a 6' plant, it could well reach 12' by the time it is done.
I'd look at going with the Low Stress Training. As long as you don't snap branches, no harm will be do to the plant.

I run Hempy Sea of Green, so they go right from the cloner to 12/12. I wouldn't veg (18/4, 24 hr) beyond a few weeks for larger plants. But I am limited in height, trying to get the most per square foot. Most plants will double in height the first two weeks of bloom. So if you attempt to flower a 6' plant, it could well reach 12' by the time it is done.

Cheers pal, Do you mean to veg them 24hrs on and 24 off, or is 18\6 ok, i'm only planning to have them in veg for a couple of weeks before i flower them!!
24 hours a day continuous or 18 hours of light and 6 hours of total darkness per day.

There are many variations, but most growers use 24 or 16 hours a day of light for the vegetation stage of growth. I use 24 hours of light for my mothers, clones, and seedlings. It's just easier that way for my needs.

12 hours of light and 12 hours of compete darkness is the most typical schedule for flowering. Yet there are also many variations.
Bottom line is if you use either 24 hours of light or 18 light and 6 dark for veg; and 12 light/12 dark for flowering, you will not have any issues.
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