HELP! Discoloring on leaves with necrosis and fungus?


New Member
I have NO idea what this is. I have taken some pictures for your viewing pleasure.

What Strain is it? - Several, its affecting every strain I have - Medicine Man, Northern Lights cross, Jellybean

Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? varies

How Many Plants? several

Is it in Vegetative or Flowering Stage? flowering

If in Flowering Stage... How Long? all stages, perpetual crop.. have plants at 1 week, 3 weeks, 5 weeks, 7 weeks

Indoor or Outdoor? indoor

Soil or Hydro? soil

If Soil... What is in your Mix? fox farms ocean forest with perlite

If Soil... What Size Pot? 3 gallon buckets

Size (Wattage) of Light? How Many? (4x) 600 watts

Is it Air Cooled? Yes

Temperature of Room/Cabinet? 78 - 81 F

RH of Room/Cabinet? normally around 40%, but climbs to 50% when watering or humid days

PH of Medium or Reservoir? water going in is pH'd at ~6.6... the soil seems to be pretty acidic, and the last time I checked the run-off, the pH was around 5.6 or so :straightface:

Any Pests? None currently known in my flowering room. I do have some type of mites from my FF soil in my veg room, detailed in a different thread

How Often are you Watering? Every other day

Type and Strength of Fertilizers used? Supernatural TerraBloom (1/2 tsp/Gal on A days, 1/4 tsp/Gal on B days) + 1 tsp Brer Rabbit Molasses + 1 Tbl. Fox Farms Big Bloom.

Size or Square Footage of Room? 8' x 12' - 96 FT2

Here are the pictures:




So, I think it is maybe a pH problem crossed with some form of a mold/fungi problem? The black necrotic shit looks like some form of a fungus growing. It seems to be spreading. I wash my tools and hand regularly, I steralize everything with rubbing alcohol, etc.

Help me get rid of this shit... I'm keeping it in check by cutting out the leaves that I see getting bad, but... I'm afraid that I am going to lose my crop here.

ANY help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Re: HELP!! Discoloring on leaves with necrosis and fungus?

I just googled cannibus leaves turning grey and looked at some pics might be a Phosphorus issue
Re: HELP!! Discoloring on leaves with necrosis and fungus?

I just googled cannibus leaves turning grey and looked at some pics might be a Phosphorus issue

Thank you for your input Myzz, and thanks for the link.

Yea, I am pretty sure I am having a nute lock-out problem with the funky pH coming out of the run-off.

I watered pretty heavily yesterday, and I want to give it a day or two to dry out. I will water again tomorrow or the day after and catch the run-off to check again. I *KNOW* my run-off is really low.

Would dolomite lime be the way to go to raise it up. I havent ever used or added lime before, and I see that most people that use it put about 1cup of dolomite lime for every bag of soil. Wonder if that would help.

Also, would the P deficiency cause the moldy-looking black necrosis? Or is that an actual mold/fungi that is spreading also?

Hopefully someone else (MedicalMarijuana/Roseman/etc) can chime in on my problem.

ETA: Myzz... the site wont let me PM until 50 posts (!!!!), so here is my message back to you:

Thanks for the help, man.

I have a few books... Cervantes' Marijuana Horticulture Bible and Greg Greens Cannabis Grow Bible.

One mentioned something about Botryis Blight, or something along those lines.

I can see the P deficency causing the wilting, but the greyish black necrotic spots almost look like mold of some type.

Buds look good, and most of the plant looks great, with the exception of a few leaves. Seems to spread too. That is what makes me think mold/fungus of some type.
Cool I have the same books Jorge and i think the greg greens i have in PDF as well. Im going to do some reading to see and im not really a soil person but two heads is better than one. Start posting The Deep Water Culture Home plenty of good people it a bubble head lounge basically. Just get out there and someone more exp will help. I ave yet to grow just taking it all in :D but two heads are better than one so lets read :reading420magazine:

I believe dolomite raises PH

Edit-Is the mold spreading?
Gosh! I am a newbie here and this thread is just what I needed to see. The leaves are exactly the same as the problem I was having. I also had mites and I wondered if the discoloring of the leaves had anything to do with mites but it just didn't make sense. Like another poster said it looked like some sort of mold but not powdery mildew.

I also wondered if there was a problem with the nutrients but again, that did not make any sense to me as it is the same regimen that I have always used. The only thing that made sense was a form of mold.

I bought a sulphur burner and used it three times for five hours each burn.
guess what? It solved the problem! I also got rid of my mites with a home made spray twice in one week followed up with 9000 lady bugs. My room is beautiful and my plants are healthy and gorgeous and eight feet tall (indoor).

If you use a burner, go on the manufacturers site and FOLLOW DIRECTIONS! use a timer so it does not burn it self up and be diligent.

My conclusion is that this is a form of mold and the sulphur burned it out and changed the PH of the leaves now to keep it at bay.

Good luck. Thank you so much for posting the photos. That showed me that I had the same problem and now it is fixed. Sulphur burner. Cheap at any cost.
The dark crumbly parts look like deficiency, but the light colored spots appear to be light burn. If you look at the second pic, you can see the shape of the leaf tips burned into the leaf below it (3rd leaf). Either humidity from leaves touching, or pooled water from spraying or spilling probably caused the water, then it magnified the light and burnt it. It does not appear to be anything that will take your crop!

Good Luck! + rep
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