help Georgia decriminalize


New Member
hello fellow smokers
i live in georgia and as you all know it is not a MM state. and even tho they are leniant towards usage, it is still illegal.
i have smoked weed since i was younger and i have never looked back. i suffer from an enlarged adrenal gland as well as ostioautheritis and degenerative disc disease. i feel i have been sentenced to a life of hydrocodone. yet the good weed is more comforting, and i can work on it. and it doesnt come with a major addiction as the opiates do.
i have always been politically involved, and i am a member of NORMAL, and a long time member of the Libertarian party. but it wasnt until my sister, Lynn, died the day before Thanksgiving from an accidental over dose of methadone that i realized the big lie killed her. she suffered from spinal disease as i do, and we are both old hippies who believe in herbal remedies and marijuana for pain and creature comforts. but we kept it to ourselves, and let others believe the lies they grew up listening to.
now i am all about awareness and statistics that prove weed needs to be taken out of the illegal status it is in now. at least decriminalize and pay off bush's debt. lol. but on a serious note the big lie needs to stop before anyone else dies from accidental overdose.
i hope you can help
your fellow head,
bill bunting
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