Help! Light Setup in Closet


New Member
hi there, have a question that I was hoping someone may be able to help me with. taking up the hobby of growing MJ and just got my mh/hps lights, little bigger than I thought and now I may not be able to hang the lights perfectly hortizontally, may have to hang them on a angle. heard that some lights are made to setup horizontally, am I going to have a problem? my closet is a space that are under a flight of steps leading to the basement so cant even my closet out.

another issue that I had On my mind too, was are my lights going to be too close to my babies. I'm guess I have about 3ft, till my light are about 5inches from the lights, is that enough space.

trying to setup my system for xmas.
Re: Help!!! Light Setup in Closet


Can you contact the manufacturer/supplier of the lamp to ask them if it will work at an angle?

Regarding height, I've read a lot of posts that say you might be a little short, so you can opt for the Screen of Green method which is supposed to work well.

Again, sorry I can't help you more - I'm a big growing noob :)
These are the lights I got (400W HPS/MH Digital Ballast, Bulb and Deluxe Reflector Combo). Think I went overboard I believe LOL. Wanted my first gow to awesome.

curlyBud, good idea will give the seller/manufactor a call to ask.

Stix - No aircooled, ad no fan actually hooked up to the lights but will have a fan blowig on it.

Got something way to big huh?
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