Help My Plant

Unfortunately it is quarantine over my country (turkey) and i have to wait till it gets over and go out to buy a cal-mag ☹️ Online orders are full and they wil deliver my order in 2 weeks
ground up eggshells are not going to be able to break down in time to beat the shipment of calmag that you have coming in, but I would investigate making your own calmagphos supplement out of them for future use... the link as to how to do that is in my links and tutorial thread, referenced in my signature lines.

Try watering not when the pots "look" like they need it, but when you are sure they need water by using the "lift the pot" method. If you can feel water weight, it is NOT time yet to water. These weeds need to dry out all the way down to the bottom roots each time between waterings and depending on the strength of your roots, this can take from one day all the way up to 7-10 days. If it goes more than 5 days, there is a problem, and you will need to do a partial watering, but I don't think your situation is that bad. I just think that by coming in too regularly to water before all the water has been used up, you have an almost permanent lake of water sitting in the bottoms of your containers, and it is this that the plant is complaining about.

The calmag is going to help, that isn't the entirety of the problem.


While I can understand about half of what it says on there, the pic is not enough to make a decent breakdown of what it contains and in what percentage. As in N,P,K, Ca, Mg,etc. It mentions sphagnum on the label though you call it compost.

Deficiencies can look the same whether they’re cause by overall underfeeding, or lockout from nutrient imbalances or ph problems.

Coco is a hydroponic medium which needs daily watering and uses a ph range around 5.8.
Compost is normally part of an organic soil mix which is watered much less frequently, supports a variety of soil life, and has a ph range between 6.5-7. So it’s hard to know where your mix lands.

I’ve been confused in the past with deficiencies and pale spots forming, similar to yours, and often had it turn out to be simple underfeeding. But not always.
@Weaselcracker, near as Mr Google and I can figure the bag is a product made in Germany and distributed by a company in Spain.

It does not seem to contain any compost and is a blend of peat moss and is enhanced with the macro and some micro nutrients. Looking at the web site (which means reading around the window that wants me to turn cookies on) I could not find any reference to there being compost, as we know it, mixed in. Since the peat moss is made of plant material it is organic material.

@Km021, when you added the coco coir and the Perlite you created a mix that is closer to hydroponics than it is to a natural soil. You plant still looks like it is doing well but you will need help from those who grow in a similar mix. That is my thoughts on this so far.
Thanks SW. I saw some of that but couldn’t find any info on the brand using the name and some of the text. Can you post a link?
Dang, I cleared all my open tabs. I did a search using Terraplant 2 as the key word. Some of the links were in European languages but several were in English and all of those pointing to the same info....

Then just plugged in various words or names to see where they went. The on-line source seems to be Amazon UK.
I found it.
here - TerraPlant® 2 | COMPO EXPERT

If you click on ‘technical info’ you get the following highly technical details.

“Substrate for use in horticulture & gardening. Blended peat enriched with nutrients.”

Without more info such as the list of ingredients with percentages, my best guess would be that Km021 should either switch to the hydro ph range and find some more nutrients somewhere to feed the plant, or transplant into a bigger pot but this time skip the coco and perlite. This Terraplant 2 stuff is no doubt designed to be used as a general potting mix, not diluted a bunch, and the plant is hungry. That’d be a fairly safe guess I think.

If it is still getting fed hydro nutes in the soil ph range as mentioned earlier, it may be having ph troubles.
I found it.
here - TerraPlant® 2 | COMPO EXPERT

If you click on ‘technical info’ you get the following highly technical details.

“Substrate for use in horticulture & gardening. Blended peat enriched with nutrients.”

Without more info such as the list of ingredients with percentages, my best guess would be that Km021 should either switch to the hydro ph range and find some more nutrients somewhere to feed the plant, or transplant into a bigger pot but this time skip the coco and perlite. This Terraplant 2 stuff is no doubt designed to be used as a general potting mix, not diluted a bunch, and the plant is hungry. That’d be a fairly safe guess I think.

If it is still getting fed hydro nutes in the soil ph range as mentioned earlier, it may be having ph troubles.
thanks alot for your support .❤ i will transplant it to a bigger pot , this time without coco & perlite for sure.
weaselcracker it seems that i have to continue with this method and lets see what will happen , unfortunately in my country (turkey) there is a few well known brands like “general hydroponics And Biobizz” that we can find, could you please guide me to buy a right full package for my new growth ?! Here is the link that i can get it in my country : Products - Biobizz
Could you please tell me which products that i have to buy? ❤️
Honestly I’m not the best person to ask. I mostly sort of mix and match random nutrients. I’m not a big fan of nutrient lines that push huge numbers of bottles- but that’s business.

I do have some of that GH stuff somewhere but rarely use it. The GH trio is commonly used though. I think it’s a fairly simple basic nutrient line, not perfect but easy to use for beginners.

From what little I know Biobizz claims to be an ethical company, for whatever that’s worth, whereas GH is anything but.
I did go to their website, click on fertilizers, looked at bio grow and bio bloom which I would guess would be the two most needed. Even in the technical data I couldn’t find an analysis of the ingredients, which I find quite annoying. No doubt that can be easily found online though.

Maybe someone else on this thread has used this stuff. Otherwise a forum search will find you many who do.

Lots of people using Mega Crop these days. A one part fertilizer and seems to work fairly well. And cheap. Worth trying to get it to your country.
Honestly I’m not the best person to ask. I mostly sort of mix and match random nutrients. I’m not a big fan of nutrient lines that push huge numbers of bottles- but that’s business.

I do have some of that GH stuff somewhere but rarely use it. The GH trio is commonly used though. I think it’s a fairly simple basic nutrient line, not perfect but easy to use for beginners.

From what little I know Biobizz claims to be an ethical company, for whatever that’s worth, whereas GH is anything but.
I did go to their website, click on fertilizers, looked at bio grow and bio bloom which I would guess would be the two most needed. Even in the technical data I couldn’t find an analysis of the ingredients, which I find quite annoying. No doubt that can be easily found online though.

Maybe someone else on this thread has used this stuff. Otherwise a forum search will find you many who do.

Lots of people using Mega Crop these days. A one part fertilizer and seems to work fairly well. And cheap. Worth trying to get it to your country.
ground up eggshells are not going to be able to break down in time to beat the shipment of calmag that you have coming in, but I would investigate making your own calmagphos supplement out of them for future use... the link as to how to do that is in my links and tutorial thread, referenced in my signature lines.

Try watering not when the pots "look" like they need it, but when you are sure they need water by using the "lift the pot" method. If you can feel water weight, it is NOT time yet to water. These weeds need to dry out all the way down to the bottom roots each time between waterings and depending on the strength of your roots, this can take from one day all the way up to 7-10 days. If it goes more than 5 days, there is a problem, and you will need to do a partial watering, but I don't think your situation is that bad. I just think that by coming in too regularly to water before all the water has been used up, you have an almost permanent lake of water sitting in the bottoms of your containers, and it is this that the plant is complaining about.

The calmag is going to help, that isn't the entirety of the problem.
hi emilya hope you are well here my new update photo of my lady she getting weak what can i do for it untill the cal mag delivers? ☹️


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