Help Please!


New Member
Spent alot of $ on some seeds and was following a guide that told me to germinate them to put them in a cup of ph balanced water and wait. So i did just that i left them in a cup of ph balanced water in my bathroom with the light on overnight. Its now been around 13 hours and I just woke up and read online that they were supposed to be in the dark as well as temperature really matters, what the hell stupid guide I had! Anyways I pulled damage control and took the ph balanced water (which to touch felt cold) and put a paper towel on a plate and then wet the towel with the ph balanced water then i put the seeds on and put another piece on top and wet that one to. I then put a plastic dome ontop to make it more humid and then a bowel ontop to make it dark and then have put it all by a heater. Are my seeds wasted:( or is there still hope????
Man thanks its a relief to here that I really don't want to wait for more seeds to arrive, and try again. That's funny its you who responded DaMagoMan I was actually writing you a personal message asking you about this when i saw someone responded~
Way back in the '70's I used to germinate seeds by folding up some soft
paper towels (into 9ths, if you see what I mean), getting them damp and
putting the seeds between tham and then put the paper towels in a little
plastic pouch to keep it from drying out too fast (left the flap open so they
would get a little air). Usually it would take 2-3 days to see roots. When the
root got like a half inch or so I would put them into peat pots.
Everything I knew back then seems to be wrong now, or at least obsolete, but
the moral of the story is in my experience seeds are fairly forgiving.

Hope that helps!

- M
I have never ph balanced the water I use when germinating seeds and still have great success. All I do is place a paper towell on a plate. Wet it down with a spray bottle. place the seeds on the towell then fold the towell over the seeds. Take some plastic wrap cover the plate tightly. Then take another plate and flip it upside down and place over the plate with seeds to keep everything nice and dark. Once I get about 1/2 tap root exposed I plant them. Fool proof method.
Yes! Thanks everyone I successfully germinated 9/10 of the master kush seeds thanks to everyone's advice~ They are now in 1'' Rockwool cubes n a clone dome under my veg light!! I'm gonna give them the full 24/7 instead of the 18/6 I have been reading it accelerates growth by 15- 25% over the 18/6 light schedule. I might give them like an hour of dark though. still thinking about it. I actually have a journal going with all this if you guys wanna check it out and provide any help you have to offer me there. I greatly appreciate it at!!
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