Help sexing my plants?


420 Member
Someone please tell me whether these are Male or female?? I go with female. I dont see any balls but one plant looks so different! I want to see how much I can harvest out of these small containers! I've been training them vigorously every day! They only just starting to get a bit of a smell! Loving it! I've only ever dropped seeds and let it do its thing in Africa! Never intensively grown in pots!


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Someone please tell me whether these are Male or female?? I go with female. I dont see any balls but one plant looks so different! I want to see how much I can harvest out of these small containers! I've been training them vigorously every day! They only just starting to get a bit of a smell! Loving it! I've only ever dropped seeds and let it do its thing in Africa! Never intensively grown in pots!
It doesn't look like they're in flower, yet, and if they're showing sex, we'd need a lot closer pictures of the nodes to be able to tell. See if you can post some pics of the nodes. Look for where there's some "spikey" thing coming out, if possible, and get a close-up pic of that area. ;)
These broke ground around the tenth of December. But they had a bit of a rough time! Around 18th December they got knocked by extreme heat in a hothouse! I coaxed them back to life! From what I could read good chance of hermie? I have no idea what strain they I got them from a mate who also dont know!


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Yeah, they're not in flower, yet and those aren't pics of the nodes! :laugh:
The third pic looks like it may be female but too early or too tough to tell from that pic.

A "node" is the area where the leaf meets the stalk. Just above there is where a new shoot/bud will form. This pic shows two nodes on a female that's about a week or two into flower:


(Note those "spikey" things on that top node! ;) )
Here's what a flowering male looks like-if any of yours start to look similar,get 'em out of there

Damn..Its a BOY.JPG
I'd get him outa there as soon as you know for sure that it's a male.
You've actually got a week or 2 before the first flowers pop open (and drop their pollen),but why wait?
It only takes 1 to ruin part of your crop (or all of it if the wind's blowing just right)
Ok Ladies and gentlemen....this is where we at! Any suggestions as to trimming or anything really? Sort of out places to tie down to and I feel that it's where it needs to be?


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They're looking real good-
I'm an outdoor grower,and if they were mine,I'd let em go just the way they are.
That's just my (lazy) growing style-top them a few times,then let them do their thing.
But that's just me,someone else may chime in with some other ideas.
If they were bushy indicas,I might do a bit of defoliating,but with sativa's (which yours definitely are)
It's not really needed-those skinny leaves don't block the sun out like an indica.(IMO)
I was wondering about that...sativa or Indica! This is my first deliberate grow! In Africa I just let them nutrients so this is a first for me! Great to hear from an outdoor grower...thanx dude!
That's as male as male can I right?


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You are right.
Hopefully it's the only one...
Well,'ve got luck like I do...
Hope for the best on the last one
I put a fair bit of time and effort into these bad boys as it turns out!


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Just an update!
This is what I'm left with! Bernie. But I'm gonna grow it out as an experiment! Try smokeability and see if by any chanve I get some female seeds for next year. Technically it should have around half and half.....but can be genetically hermies....have I got that right? Sad part about all....this I gave away two plants which both turned out to be female


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