Help With getting growing


New Member
So here we go; again.

My previous thread was for help with a 4X4 grow room setup but now i have a new space since I have relocated. The room is 16 feet Long by 11 feet wide. My current plans are to have about three tents total. I have a tent from htg supply that is 3"11 by 3"11. I plan on buying A GL120L from ebay or something and then a small tent prob the GL80 just for mother plants but that is after a grow or two. So I plan on doing my first grow in the 3"11 tent then buy the GL120L and use the 3:11 tent just for veg and the other for flower on a perpetual style grow. I currently have a 600w MH lamp and a 600Super HPS. Only have one hood and one ballast so I will change out for the first grow with some CFL lighting. After the first grow I plan on getting two GLH 180W LED's and stick them in the 3"11 tent for veg; not sure if i will need a small tent for mothers but just trying to keep an open mind. Im not sure yet wat strain kind of struggling with that issue but thats besides the point. I am all ears for suggestions. I currently have two 10Gal roughneck rubbermaid bins and 6 5gal home depot buckets. One bucket will be made into a clone bucket for cuttings. So far thats a general overview of my plans just need to figure out the right tents, beans and how to ventilate the air in the grow room. If I have two tents im worried about how i should vent air since I am renting. I plan on getting two carbon filters and an extra 6 inch can air fan possibly. I also still need to buy PH and PPM meters. The grow room I have is 16X11 with about 8 3/4 high. The closet in the grow room is 8X6 1/8 and the same height 8 and 3/4. I have some AN nutes grow micro and bloom with some big bud. I plan on getting some carbo load and voodoo juice but not quite sure yet as It seems like I will have to spend another 800 if I get more nutes and stuff i dont really need. Fans, Filters, meters, beans lights and another tent is what I need to figure out and what. Would like to get things going before the end of August preferably within the next 2-3 weeks :D:yahoo:
Yea I know not exactly how sure it will work out with two tents in the same room but i will be using LED's and HID with some CFL's in both. But for my first grow It is looking like I will be doing HID and CFL for the first grow in just one tent so I am hoping that will be manageable. Or should I just go with CFL's with a lower watt HID to avoid heat and a venting issue? I was thinking to vent the heat into the closet and have a portable AC in there with some fans.
I see what you mean. Thing is these windows slide sideways so I dont have any AC's installed because there would be a big ass gap on top. I see some people use wood to cover that up but once fall/winter comes which is soon; it will look funny. I plan on getting two carbon filters and place them in the tents and vent it out a side hole. Thing im worried about is stale air messing with the plants. That and venting the hot air or getting fresh air into the room. Like should i just vent the air into the closet? Or should I worry much about it since many people use two tents in one room. Need to make sure the air quality is good for my ladies before i start. Would one of them ozone things work with a portable ac in the closet and some fans in the closet and tents? Ozone activated like once every hour for 10mins if that?
Wont that be kind of hot? Like hot air coming out of my apt esp where a dryer would be just venting out the window might attract attention if it is a portable looking ac tube or not.
I don't know Myzz. Your right, that sliding window will draw attention I am sure. I think I would put the HID away and go with CFL's. Lot less heat. Lot less venting. Not sure how it would work out with ya with the HPS light.
I like your plans myzz! Sounds familiar :blunt:.

I vent my single 600w hps out of my 4x4 tent right into the room its located in and keep the windows cracked in the room. It sucks air through my carbon and blows it straight out through a vent in the tent. No smell and the cracked windows keeps the air fresh. The carbon pushing air out creates negative pressure which exchanges the air in the tent. I good way to check is stick a lighter next to a seem in the zipper and if it sucks in then you have negative pressure.

I just keep the A/C in my place low and everything is about 79 degrees.
I like your plans myzz! Sounds familiar :blunt:.

I vent my single 600w hps out of my 4x4 tent right into the room its located in and keep the windows cracked in the room. It sucks air through my carbon and blows it straight out through a vent in the tent. No smell and the cracked windows keeps the air fresh. The carbon pushing air out creates negative pressure which exchanges the air in the tent. I good way to check is stick a lighter next to a seem in the zipper and if it sucks in then you have negative pressure.

I just keep the A/C in my place low and everything is about 79 degrees.

Cool What if I keep the grow room door cracked? It is actually a bedroom but I want to make it the grow room. Or I was thinking of having my two tents in there and just sealing off some space where I could just vent the hot air and keep the door cracked. I have a hood that I can vent out the tent along with the exhaust fan connected to the carbon filter moving air. I dont have anything setup yet just trying to figure it out. Still might needa order a seperate batch of beans since im not sure if the ones from attitude will come. But the room I have is big maybe I can make it 10X10 and vent to the area outside cuz i have a huge ass closet too so maybe I can just push all the hot air in that direction. The window I am thinking of buying some roll down type shades to seal it off and put a blanket up then some FLIR to prevent any funny business. But it has crossed my mind to put in a AC and then use some plywood to cover the GAP since someone in the same building has this setup actually a few ppl do. Not sure though just trying to figure it out before i get that second tent and get shit rolling. hopefully it will be no later than sept. I am going to start out with CFL's and maybe might get some single or double t5 to start them off on, switch to the MH then HPS for flower. After this grow i will hopefully have a LED light and only use HPS for flower.
So i think i might have a solution. Since someone in the building already has their AC in the window with some plywood I might just talk to him to see how much work it was for him. I might just go and buy another AC and put two ac's in, one in each room and measure the plywood So when i get the second AC I can get the playwood too and shabang. You wont be able to tell the difference if there is a AC in each window :D think that wud be my best bet to adding some FRESH air to my 420 project just as long as i can find the same AC for cheap. Should have some wheels soon so I hope i can get the stuff this week.
Tomorrow I should be buying my second AC this is the one i will use for the grow room. I also bought my shades for the windows, 12 curing jars for 10$ some rope to hang the CFL lights some string for LST and a green plastic netting that i will modify to do some SCROG :)
Sounds like a plan. But make sure your extremely careful growing in a rented space. Does the landlord do annual inspections or pest control?? Make sure you check becuz trust me SECURITY should NEVER be over looked when your growing in a residence that you don't own. Other than that sounds great so far. I was thinking about trying the AN line myself, but I'mma wait until I'm a bit more seasoned, I've grown kinda close to the GH 3 part, with a few additives of course
GN is right! Security is and always should be the focus. Had the cable guy here a couple of days ago and spent 1/2 day cleaning, straightening and covering any evidence of my grow. I see great success with Roseman's odor control bucket but I low tech it with some pinesol blue in a bucket of water with a fan blowing on it. My buddy comes over weekly and my first question is always can you smell what MC is growing!

GN, I too fell in love with the GH 3 part and additives but the AN line is top notch but I still use the additives and they still work as directed but I am able to use a little less. Almost any nutes will work but the AN keeps the PH swings in line better and I think that is better for the plants over time. I like your idea of using what works before venturing out to parts unknown.
Believe me Security and safety are my top priority. My landlord is chill they will never check in on me and if it happens I have locks on both my bedroom doors :) There are Maintenance people around so if anything they would be my main concern. Thats why I wana figure out this fresh air thing which is leading me to saying fuck it and put an AC in the window and then just draw the blind down. As of right now u can see out nor in the window. If i put a AC in i have to put up some plywood. Thing is during the winter it might look weird to see it and hear it on So IDK maybe a Portable will be best way to go? regardless the window seems like its going to have to be open somewhat key is locking it down so u cant slide it more open. As far as AN is concerned I actually think I am going to start my plants off in Hempy buckets. Seems like the most simple. Perlite and Osmocote and all i have to do is check my ladies and water for my first grow or two. Then I think im going to try a bubble grow after I get some exp and some good smoke for the stash. I was thinking of getting the GH 3 part with a few other additives, any suggestions? Them hempy guys us ethe GH nutes with hempy so i might do the hempy with osmocote and a plant or two just str8 hempy and add nutes/water periodically. Figure why stress out the first grow and be all advanced when I can KISS and get some exp before going more in depth with it.
I did Hempy once and it was ok. I used bagseed for that experiment. Planted 4, culled to two females in a 6 gallon planter loaded with a mix of 75% perlite and 25% vermiculite. Used the gh 3 part for that grow. I didn't pre-nute with something like osmocote. It was water-water-nute. They didn't grow to their full potential but it was probably my skill level that affected that more than anything. Not much trouble and kind of boring! LOL!
HAHA thats what I need is a boring but for sure grow. The pots u used were deff too big for hempy. They say 3-4 gallon max So ima prob get some 3gal buckets. I just want some of my own smoke it sucks buying off of people here and there. Like I have slowed down smoking ALOT! Just trying to get my first harvest in by the time the new yr rolls around hopefully. The Perlite and Osmocote has it all nutes and everything all I will have to do is water. Think the most i will need to do is check the PH of the water before and after and maybe check PPM of runoff after. Dont want to make things more stressful than they have to be for my first grow.
I figured with 2 plants a 6 gallon was about right. Got about 1 1/2oz per plant. Used 300 watts of cfl's. They grew but being bag seed of unknown origin were kind of "meh". I think I gave it away to a friend who was desparate for some smoke when it was dry here. He paid me back in some nice sativa later so everyone was happy. Oh go Hempy something! LOL!
True that does seem about right. But yea bag seed; I might have to use some since this bean issue is ticking me off! Im going to place an order with Nirvana and SSC; Attitude reshipped already. Im just working on saving money so I can get some wheels so I dont have to constantly order my stuff online. Then school starts soon as well so hopefully I can get a set of wheels by then and will have some seeds on their way by next week hopefully. over an OZ for bagseed aint bad as long as they female and get the job done I would have let it sit and get stank. But then again I dont have friends who are going to grow they just smoke so if anything I would just smoke them up rather then give it away. Unless I had some extra good dank on stash then I might be generous lol
Ok so I was reading this AM my MMJ Jorge Cerventes about air and what not. It said either an open window or door will help replenish the fresh air so the Stale air does not stay in the room. So my question is does an AC only help with temperature? Will it be an adequate source to help replenish the CO2 and oxygen needed in the grow space? Like say if I have it on but just using the fan function will that be good enough or should I cool the air as well? I honestly doubt I will have much temp issues in the tent but outside the tent is another story so if I use the AC to cool the air outside the tent will it be a good enough source to help replenish the stale air is my question?
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