Hello, and thanks in advance for any advice you can lend. My sister has stage 4 breast cancer and I've been researching Cannabis Oil. I've made an attempt to produce our own, paying much attention to the best methods I've found online. We opted for using Ethanol since we cannot get a high enough proof of Everclear here in California. I'm confused about something though, hence my question.
The person I believe is really on top of his game when showing how to make the oil is producing way more concentrate than I am. I cooked up approximately the same batch I witnessed him brewing, followed every step, and he's showing, in the end, about 5 times what I ended up with. I've learned to boil of the solvent at about 165 degrees, playing it safe. But honestly, after 9/10th's of the solvent evaporated, leaving very little solution/oil left, it was still bubbling. From what I understand, as long as it's still bubbling then the solvent is still present. I'm thinking had I kept going I would have had next to nothing left, aside from very little residual oil. Although, the pro I've been learning from has far more. Do we NOT boil off till the bubbles completely stop? Also, it appears most people can boil this off in less than 2 hours, while it's seriously taking me about 6-7 hours. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks again for the help, very, very much appreciated.
The person I believe is really on top of his game when showing how to make the oil is producing way more concentrate than I am. I cooked up approximately the same batch I witnessed him brewing, followed every step, and he's showing, in the end, about 5 times what I ended up with. I've learned to boil of the solvent at about 165 degrees, playing it safe. But honestly, after 9/10th's of the solvent evaporated, leaving very little solution/oil left, it was still bubbling. From what I understand, as long as it's still bubbling then the solvent is still present. I'm thinking had I kept going I would have had next to nothing left, aside from very little residual oil. Although, the pro I've been learning from has far more. Do we NOT boil off till the bubbles completely stop? Also, it appears most people can boil this off in less than 2 hours, while it's seriously taking me about 6-7 hours. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks again for the help, very, very much appreciated.