

New Member
I opened this account with a lame username because I couldn't think of one that fit me. Well now I have one, trouble is there is no way to change your username. I can't even figure out how to log off. When I tried to come back to the site to try and start a new account, it won't let me saying I already have an account at this web address. I am frustrated, I want to remain hooked up with my cronies to keep in communication. What can I do?
Email a moderator. 420girl or the like. They can help but be kind and patient. they're busy volunteers. Pm one the name you would like and they should have no problem changing it for u. Remember your password as u may need to log in after they change it.
:woot: scored some mod Rep! Haha. Thank you very much. Wanna see the community GROW so if I can help make life easier for someone to contribute and be content well I'd be foolish not to right? :peace: :Namaste:
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