

420 Member
Heyyy everybody im a new grower and me and my husband recently planted these abt 2 weeks ago we have a total of 6 they are auto flowers but one is a regular sees but as u can see they are growing pretty big and sprouting however the 1st picture is of one of the auto flowers thats hasnt been growing im not sure wat the problem is its like the plant is at a stand still i wasnt sure if it was ok to give it nutrients this early or just keep watering and see if it eventually starts growing can anybody please help me out wit advice or let me know if we're doing something wrong
Welcome to 420. Your seed could be a slow starter or a dud maybe even a mutant. I had one that started like that and I grew it right to the bitter end, I ended up with a 7 inch plant and 1 oz of decent weed but I lost $150. just by growing it out. Give it a few days and I am sure someone will answer you, could be your soil temp or other issues with soil. I grow dwc so I am not really familiar with soil.
GL with the little ones. They dont need any fertilizer yet. Those 2 first leaves are cotyledons they give the plant enough energy to grow roots so its good for a few weeks easy.
Seedlings have very sensitive roots at this age. Can over water under water its easy to do. Adding in a 3rd variable like fertilizer is going to disrupt the new root growth.
GL with the little ones. They dont need any fertilizer yet. Those 2 first leaves are cotyledons they give the plant enough energy to grow roots so its good for a few weeks easy.
Seedlings have very sensitive roots at this age. Can over water under water its easy to do. Adding in a 3rd variable like fertilizer is going to disrupt the new root growth.
So I should just continue to water it , im so scared that its never going to grow like the other ones
OK thats great they are growing above ground. All we can do right now is make sure we dont water too much or not enough.

This is the hardest part for me. The under 1 week old seedlings.

You should start thinking about a small clip fan and get some air going on them.
OK thats great they are growing above ground. All we can do right now is make sure we dont water too much or not enough.

This is the hardest part for me. The under 1 week old seedlings.

You should start thinking about a small clip fan and get some air going on them.
I have 2 clip fans in there and a humidifier i think it may just be a watering issue going on
Is the temperature really cold?
Soil too dry for an extended period?

This is what average growth should be at 14 days.

Edit: ahh, ok so the ones in the pics are only 3 days old, thats better.
In that case just water and carry on, make sure you got a light breeze on them

Yes i meant to say that they are abt 4 days old but they all have gotten bigger with leaves and the other one is still real small thats the one im really concerned abt
The one that doesn't have any true leaves yet.... just let it grow. Never know... its an AUTO? I think you said it was. Sometimes they take a bit to get going.
You sound very imformed and I need help! I am stubbornly going to grow outdoors even though I'm obviously up against some odds!
1. Yuma AZ-hotest place on earth bar non! 120 degrees!
2. Springtime is over we are in triple digits and seedlings keep dying
3. Obviously my memories of putting seeds in the ground and having them grow up big and strong are fuzzy!
I germinate inside windowsill and they sprout but get so long and spindly they eventually fall over and die.
If I were to put them anywhere outside-death instantaneous.
How or where can I make starts that don't search for the sun to the point of 10 inch with tiny leaves?!
Update the little one still hasnt grown meanwhile the other ones keep sprouting . Should I just pull the little one up ? The 2 little leaves are still green should I wait any longer its been 2 weeks
Hey Imyomamma,

I don’t intend to speak for Bobrown14 but get a grow light and start them indoors, keep them under 18/6 light. Amendments like kelp & yucca are considered to help with heat. Don’t move or transplant to outdoors until you’ve got a healthy robust plant say 6 to 8 nodes or pairs of limbs as a bare minimum. It will take a period of hardening off to adjust them to being outdoors, that’s extreme climate there so yeah you can’t just stick them out there and in one day expect them to make it. I know zip zero nada about growing in desert region so no help there....
Hey Lady T,

the cotyledons are supposed to take light and process it into energy to make another pair of leaves grow. But as a last resources the plant will try to eat its own cotys to grow the next pair so cotys = backup food. Are you sure they are getting 18 hours of light? Don’t burn them with a massive fixture but chicks gotta get some light.

What kind of light? How far away from top of seedling? What’s your temp if you place hygrometer at seedling height?
Start seedlings in a cup under a desk lamp with led bulb.

add a small clip fan not direct on them but after sprout start out light fan bump it up water lightly every day.

Then up put when roots show thru the holes in th btm of your cup. Seedling stage hardened off start giving them an hour or 2 off direct sunlight for a week and gradually increase.

Need a place where the soil stays coolish.

Genetics are key

There are some great Mexican plants that grow same region as you same climate even further south.
Thanks so much for the help! I have them inside under a grow lite but keep freaking out as I don't want them to get accustomed to that lite as they will be going outdoors. This will help but anything further also greatly appreciated!
Hey Imyomamma,

I don’t intend to speak for Bobrown14 but get a grow light and start them indoors, keep them under 18/6 light. Amendments like kelp & yucca are considered to help with heat. Don’t move or transplant to outdoors until you’ve got a healthy robust plant say 6 to 8 nodes or pairs of limbs as a bare minimum. It will take a period of hardening off to adjust them to being outdoors, that’s extreme climate there so yeah you can’t just stick them out there and in one day expect them to make it. I know zip zero nada about growing in desert region so no help there....
No actually you were a great deal of help! I appreciate it.
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