

New Member
ok so im gonna start growin soon, as soon as i move an get everything settled down, my question is will 1, 1000watt hps, work for 2 plants? if not what lights do you suggest? and where can i get them?:peace:
Yes a 1000-watt HPS will work just fine for 2 plants, and a few more, but that depends on how big they are.

You’re going to need some very good ventilation for a 1000-watt system. I would suggest getting a vented hood to deal with that.
Hi! I'm a newbie to all this as well. I got a closet 9 feet high, 5 feet across and 2 feet wide. I got 400 hps kit, hood not cooled and I have a real hard time controling the heat, lots of fans,lol. If I were you I'd go with 400 0r 600 it really depends on how you can vent them. I have no window to vent so I keep the door opened and use lots of fans.My temp is 80 at all times and all is fine. Another mistake I made is I only started 3 plants and ended up with one so start 6 for sure. I got a male ,a hemi and one female. Also go organic it's better bud in the end......good luck:smokin:
The more light the better if you can handle the heat problems from a 1000 watt light system.

even if your only growing 5 plants, those 5 plants are going to be very nice and big and bushy, once again thats if you can handel the heat from it.

my primary grow space is only about 8ft by 10ft and i have 2 1000 watt systems and a 430 watt and a 400 watt lights but i have lots of ventelation and hooded vents
Doesn't look like you can vent that. You need a light that will except a 4 or 6 inch flange. Run flex duct between your light and a fan. Here's just one example of the light you need. Light. If your vegging and flowering with the same light, you'll need a HPS to MH conversion bulb. MH is better for vegging where HPS is better for flowering. bulb

Alot of people find great deals on Ebay, you could probally save $100 or more.
hey man, sorry it took so long to reply. I lost the subsription to your thread. I didn't know you had replied. Yeah, that hut thing looks pretty good. I look forward to seeing a grow thread with that. As for the t5 floros. I personally recommend HID lighting. But, those should work pretty good as well. Just make sure you keep them close to the tops of your plants. I would also recommend looking into doing a scrog grow. Before the time of HID lighting everyone was using floros indoors. Scrog was a popular way of getting the most outta your floro lighting. Urdedpal did a very good thread all about scrog. You can check it out here

And yeah, you can use those floros for veg and flower. any floro for that matter.
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