Hey from Hell!


New Member
Seriously though it's hot. Haha.
Despite legalities here, I honestly can't see how MJ still causes such a fuss. She's so pretty! Anyway, I've been using the forums here for a good bit of research and question asking and just now saw this forum so thought I'd say hello. I'm about a week and 1/2 into my first grow and I'm excited! I wish it would grow faster but hey. Not sure what else to put here... HAPPY GROWING

EDIT: since I started a new thread I might as well ask a question too. I actually could use any tips on room cooling. My garden is a 5' x 6' x 9' closet space with no vents whatsoever. I bought a little fan and have it going DIRECTLY onto the light(closet door open) and when the light is only on 50% the coolest I can get the room is 80-82
80-82 is ok temps but you'll have to figure out a vent fan at some point. You have to be able to have the plants in darkness for their 'night' lights off period during flowering or they'll have problems. If you don't want to go cutting holes in the closet walls or ceiling, your best bet is to cut holes in the door, or get/build another door for the closet, with holes - vent hot air out the top with a fan and possible ducting, suck cooler air in at bottom is how it's generally done.
Oh yeah welcome to 420 this place is great
Welcome to 420 Magazine ESPLTD!

I dream of cool temperatures of 80-82. I generally run my room around 85-90F. Because of lack of ventilation. I think your ok with those temps as long as the plant as been acclimated to those warmer temps.

Look forward to getting to know you!
Welcome to 420 Magazine ESP
I dream of cool temperatures of 80-82. I generally run my room around 85-90F. Because of lack of ventilation. I think your ok with those temps as long as the plant as been acclimated to those warmer temps.

Look forward to getting to know you!

I've read on here that higher temps can cause stunted growth. Is that not true if the plants are already used to it?

80-82 is ok temps but you'll have to figure out a vent fan at some point. You have to be able to have the plants in darkness for their 'night' lights off period during flowering or they'll have problems. If you don't want to go cutting holes in the closet walls or ceiling, your best bet is to cut holes in the door, or get/build another door for the closet, with holes - vent hot air out the top with a fan and possible ducting, suck cooler air in at bottom is how it's generally done.
Oh yeah welcome to 420 this place is great

So what like cut a hole...I'm envisioning something like 6" in diameter, connect some ducting...lay it on the floor in the grow room directly in front of a small fan...pushing air into the ducting and out the closet.
That sound right? How do I push in cold air through the bottom? Like have an ac unit OUTSIDE the closet using the same system? Ducting and a hole for pushing air through?
What you want is an inline fan. It is designed to be attached to pipe/ducting. A six inch duct would be perfect. You don't need a fan at the bottom. You can put a fan at the top, venting out. It will suck air from wherever it can. So - if you also make a hole at the bottom of your room, the fan will suck air in through that hole. Lower air is normally cooler. Also- the system I mention allows good circulation of fresh air through the room. Normally people vent to outside, and draw air either from -outside, or from inside your house (if you have aircon) - usually whichever is cooler.

Here is a link How Do I add Ventilation to my Grow Area, What Can I Do about Smell?

It comes from this area of the forum- How to Grow Marijuana Everything You Need to Know

Hope this helps
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