Hey guys, look forward to joining the world of cultivation!


420 Member
I'm from Ottawa, Canada. I'm in my 30s, I'm a new dad. Long time cannabis enthusiast, so happy it's finally legal; the fight is over.

I grew back in 2009 in some soil in a closet. Turned out pretty well but I didn't do much for it so I could have improved for sure. Now I am looking forward to jumping back in and producing quality with the help of this awesome site. There are tons of helpful resources, it's so much more complex than I thought.

I do however find myself in a bit of a pickle already. I think in my excitement I jumped the gun and bought this light: BESTVA 2000W Double Chips LED Grow Light

It's 2000w (390w actual power draw) but my tent is only 4x4 and 6.5 feet tall. Did I go too overboard? As in will I do damage to the plants? I plan on having 2-4 at any given time as 4 is our legal limit for personal cultivation. This light is literally the brightest thing I have ever seen. The manufacturer says 'it's perfect for a 7x7 tent at 2 feet.' but what about mine at only 4x4? The reason I found this site is I posed this same question to the seller and they said and I quote,

You only need to maintain your grow tent ventilation and cooling, my dear Cleroux. 2000WATTS is really powerful. If you grow marijuana, you can visit 420magazine dot c-o-m, then you can find the answers. Thanks

as well as:

Indoor planting is a technical activity that requires experience. You can go to the community to exchange experiences with other growers. Thanks, and hope you can leave me a positive review. : )

So unfortunately they clearly don't know and pointed me to you guys. My thought behind it is at 2 feet above, whether the room is 4x4 or 7x7, there will be plants right underneath regardless. I know I may have answered my own question, but apparently you guys are the experts so I would really appreciate some thoughts. If it's going to benefit my plants, great. If it's going to be the same as a 1000w set-up oh well I can live with that, but if it will harm them I would like to swap it out.

Appreciate anyone who took the time to read this rambling and giving me some help.
Welcome to :420: and congrats on the new baby!!! You could probably use another led for a tent that size. I flower in a 3x3x6ft tent with a 330w actual draw Led, and could definitely do better if I had a bigger light. I keep my light at 24in above for veg and 18in or closer for flower. Are you sure 7x7 coverage isn't just for veg? The manufacturer for mine says it's ideal for 5x5 for veg and 3x3 for flower.
Hey GG! That light will be fine for a 4x4 during veg but you may need another one if you want to achieve a decent spread of light during flower. Don't worry about it destroying your plants, they'll be fine with it at 2ft. I think that they sent you over here to meet us so that we can help with other variables like environmental factors and strain selection etc. After all the best lights in the world are only good if you get everything else correct. If you have any questions then don't be afraid to ask, we honestly love hearing them. Also if you start a journal then we can guide you through the entire process. Anyway now you've made me start to ramble! Welcome to 420 my friend :)
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