

New Member
ok so im new here..im a girl my names mariah and im 18, never ever grew anything. but i wanna start growing my own weed. and in a simple way in my room so small in a pot and if needed a light. can anyone help me out like with a site that gives me the info i need and how to order seeds and stuff? and with out huge gallons of stuff and no tubes plz...hidable
Re: hey...wazzzuuuppp

Welcome to 420 xxxmariah420, glad to have you with us. The links in my signature will answer many of the questions you've asked. Explore, learn, post and share. Don't hesitate to call if you need help.
Re: hey...wazzzuuuppp

WELCOME WOMAN!!!!!!!....your in the right spot for your info, GREEN MOJO to the grow first off,.............seed's are a trick in themselfs to get in the US, you can use some good bag seed if you want....check out my grow in my sign. and see some DANK bags seed in action............this palce has everything you need.......good luck and thanks for joining a winning family....................PEACE
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