Hot CFL?


New Member
Ok, so I couldn't get the temp in my 2x2x4 grow tent down to an acceptable level so I decided to swap it out for a CFL.

The CFL is a 4 32w bulb setup I got off eBay - cord and socket with 3 Y splitters. Should, I thought, cool it down a lot, but temps are close to what they were with the LEDs.

Already have a 4"exhaust fan iinstalled and the only thing I can think of is to add a 6 " fan to boost the exhaust.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...
Can you open the top of the grow closet to allow the hot air to rise and escape? Also try unscrewing one of the bulbs to reduce temps. A 2 x 2 x 4 is a pretty small enclosure, and cfls COULD heat up such a small space, if there are no upper vents. Heat rises, so perhaps your first solution might work if your vent is up high.
Florida is hot,do you have central air,or a window unit.I would try to pull some of the cool air from the register if you can.or run some duck work close to a window room is from75-85*
sometimes I cant cool my tent,the room gets to hot,I have central air.7-23watts of CFL's in a 20x30x60 tent
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