Hot water in bongs


New Member
has anyone ever tried putting warm or hot water in a bong? i was thinking there is vapor coming off of the hot water mixed w/ the smoke would this make the smoke smoother? anyone know anything about this? i'd love to hear people's thoughts on it.

i dunno about that. water cools the smoke making it less harsh. the colder the water the colder the smoke.
yeah the whole point is to have the smoke go through the water and become cool, therefor you take a huge rip and it isn't that harsh on your throat
midnitetoker said:
has anyone ever tried putting warm or hot water in a bong? i was thinking there is vapor coming off of the hot water mixed w/ the smoke would this make the smoke smoother? anyone know anything about this? i'd love to hear people's thoughts on it.


at one point in time I was getting really good quality, soap weed (tasted like soap and was gross as fuck) and ice cold water made it even grosser so we added some warm water and it took most of the taste away. lol so the point of this is if you got bad tasting bud use warm water =P
i just thought that maybe the hot water would add vapor to the smoke and make the smoke easier going down

i just got a new piece, check it out on the pics page, CHICO FINALLY GOT A SHERLOCK, lol, peace
I came up with this thoery one time. The molecluses in hot air move faster and take up slightly more space. The molecluses in cold air move slow and take up less space. So when hot air is cooling off it shrinks. When cold warms up it expands. In that case the hot water bong would be smother because you can get bigger amounts of smoke in to your lungs. I tried this theory out and it was fun to hit the bong with the hot water and it was surprisingly smooth. I like both, but in the bong I have now its hard to have hot or cold water.
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