how do you guys keep your reservoir cool?

Re: soooo how do you guys keep your reservoir cool?

Hey there,

There are several ways to cool your resevoirs. They range from placing ice cold water bottles in your tanks to keeping your tank inside of a refridge. Some folks use a water chiller to cycle the water and cool it that way. Others will take a fridge and drill a hole for the water line and leave the tank in there to help keep the water temp up. Similar to the keg fridge idea. the most simple way would be to freeze some water bottles (not too frozen tho) and add them to your resevoir. The thing is you have to go out and switch them out every few hours. Not very effective if you working full time.

This area is open to creative solutions. Hope this helps you some.

Re: soooo how do you guys keep your reservoir cool?

36,000 gallon creek fed cistern that's never above 60*f with coils of plastic pipe in it, with a solar powered pump, to more coils of plastic pipe in my rez. The more the sun shines, the more cold water circulates.
Re: soooo how do you guys keep your reservoir cool?

I use ice made from reservoir water made up for replenishment. I use tubs from lunch meat packaging, fill with prefed and ph'ed water, freeze overnight, then place in the tubs. I have been storing 6 tubs in the fridge at any time. One large cube in a 4 gallon bucket can lower the temp by 5 degrees temporarily. It seems to last quite a few hours and then we repeat the process. I'm checking the cabinet twice a day anyway, this is just one more procedure.
Re: soooo how do you guys keep your reservoir cool?


I use this Water Chiller from Active Aqua. Where I live the tap water is almost 90 degrees!!
Re: soooo how do you guys keep your reservoir cool?

I don't keep mine cool. It tends to stay a little below room temp in the high 70's. I used to worry about it but everything is growing fine for me. I'm sure it's not optimal but as long as the plants are thriving I'm not to worried about it.
Re: soooo how do you guys keep your reservoir cool?

I don't keep mine cool. It tends to stay a little below room temp in the high 70's. I used to worry about it but everything is growing fine for me. I'm sure it's not optimal but as long as the plants are thriving I'm not to worried about it.
Well said, at the end of the day my res temps can be mid 70s. I like the "sniff" test, if it smells fresh 70's are not optimal but okay.
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