How do you hide the fact that you are .....


New Member
I am new here and would like to ask a question. I am doing some research about how others hide the fact that they are stoners.

I have been smoking for about 10 years and just had a new baby about 5 months ago. I never really hid the fact that I smoked before.

Now that I have a baby I really have to be more careful. The last thing in the world I would want is my baby to get taken from us.

So the question I have for you all. How do you cover up the smell, red eyes, ect... from smoking one? The biggest part that scares me is the smell when smoking. I can always say im tired or something.


get some Oust Air Sanatisor or some Febreeze or just any type or smell cover up-er and for the red eyes, just use clear eyes or visine.
I have heard that Oust is supposed to be good. I usally use glade but now that I am really looking for it everything just smells like skunky flowers.
Febreeze, personally, I think smells the best. It just smells like clean stuff. :laughtwo:
Oust is good, but another really good one, probably among the best, is called Ozium. It comes in a small can but I think they sell larger ones, but it's so powerful it doesn't take much, and works wonders. Keep some colgne handy of course. Just try to smoke out of a pipe or bong as much as possible, that way the smoke isn't all over you so you won't have as much to cover up.

And if you've been smoking a blunt or joint, ALWAYS wash your hands and fingers really good, because the smell from your hands is very strong and pungent. Brush your teeth or use mouthwash after every session cuz your breath can smell like weed. I find Clear Eyes to be the best eyedrops, don't use Visine, I've heard bad things about Visine. That's about all I can think of for now, hope this helps some. :peace:
Any air neutralizer is good, don't use an air freshener, it just mixes with the smell and then it smells like flowers and weed. A fan helps too since the smoke is pretty heavy and tends to sit, and I spray at least a spray in front of the fan too. The way you act is most important though. Act like a doting father and you'll be fine, no one will even suspect you as long as you don't smell like it.
u could always make a spoof, paper towel roll stufffed with febreeze fabric softner towels, blow the smoke through there and it creates no smell
I don't even try to hide it at all. People don't really care around here. When I do cover it up. I use some industrial air freshener from my friend restoration bisness.
yea same here SlimDog, but if u got kids then u should smoke outside! There are some dick neighbors around and they might call child services if they think "drugs" are being consumed around the child. Some lady at my friend's apartments called the cops on him 4 smoking, little did she know he had a right to with his cannabis prescription, but anyways all the officer told him was to try not to smoke with his kid near him.... preferably in another room with good ventalation! also, he said that if he didn't have his cannabis card the officer might of charged him with child endangerment or something like that! so take caution unless u got a card
If you got he cash get a carbon filter and fan to turn on in the room when youre smoking. I dont have kids but i dont like my house smelling either, works for me!:peace:
Get an Ionizer, you can pick them up for about 60-70 at ABC wearhouse. Mine is good for 500sq ft and made my room smell fresh and clean even though I had 4 marijuana plants in my closet. My partents walked into my room when they were up to see me and didn't suspect a thing.
Keep in mind that you are an adult, using marijuana on your own private property. You need not make excuses for anything you do in privacy.

As for the smell, just find a spot to smoke outside if you don't want to smell it in the house. Burning incense helps indoors as well.

Most of all, make smart choices about when and where you smoke. You will enjoy it more when you do and will not only save yourself money but anxiety as well.
You don't have a room that your kids don't go into or anything? If you live in a house, I would go outside on the porch or somethin. Get an Ionizer anywase, its great for getting shit out of the air. Its worked wonders on my allergies this year! I still use it even though my grow is over.
LOL I don't hide the fact I'm a stoner to anyone.
Smoke in a place where no one usually is around.
Brush your teeth, wash your face and place eyedrops in after a heavy session.
Try to use a pipe at all times.
I'm way to high to think right now, hope I helped a bit.
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