How do you?

I recently made one out of an empty No-Doz bottle with a hole cut in the back and an emptied-out pen tube stuck into the hole. I Used a tinfoil bowl, and the little thing actually works quite well. No too fancy, but it works.
an apple and a straw.......
a coke can.......
a 2 liter bottle n some foil....
many different things you can make.... like phillie said-post your materials and you will be directed accordingly
easiest way i've found is to get a plastic 2 liter soda bottle, take the top off.

poke a hole about 1/4 of the way up, put an emptied-out pen/led pencil tube or any other tube in the hole. attach any type of bowl to this tube.

poke another hole about 1/2 way up. that's your carb.

fill with water up to the bottom of the first hole

smoke away
i always use a large gatorade bottle, make a hole in it, put an straw in it, make a little pipe out of foil and then tape everything together.
but i always put water or beer in it, cuz i like water bongs more, hehe
make a Gravity Bong by melting a little ratchet head into the cap of a 2 liter bottle then cut the bottem half off. put the bottle put it into a bucket full of water. screw the cap on. put some weed in and light the weed and pull up then when it fills full of smoke unscrew the cap and toke away.
i ussually use a water squirt bottle because you can use the plastic squirt tube to make the tube out of and then use screen from sink where the water comes out and then use a socket from rachet for bowl and some tape to keep bowl on and can make it a steamroller or a water bong
420bud_gurl said:
how do you make a bong or pipe or anything out of house hold materials that you can use moer than once?
I know the VERY VERY best thing to use!!!! your imagination :biggrin:
use the socket from a socket wrench or make a steamroller out of a toilet paper tube
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