How many seeds should I germinate?


Well-Known Member
Seeds are expensive. And because we lay out a good chunk of change for seeds, our tendency (especially if we’re growing for ourselves) is to germinate just a few seeds, as if 2 or 3 seeds will produce 2 or 3 healthy plants. In most cases, it ain’t gonna happen. Even if we get 100% germination, chances are we aren’t going to get 100% healthy plants. Why? Seeds are not produced on a production line. Seeds are produced by plants, which are natural products and subject to the vagaries of genetics and environment. Even purchasing from a top seed bank isn’t going to guarantee perfect results. The reality is we’re likely to end up with some runts, a deformed plant or two, or even one or more that don’t make it above the soil’s surface (assuming soil is the growing medium), even though everybody had a vigorous taproot.

My point is, why invest time and resources trying to nurse an ailing seedling back to health? Be brutal. Kill it. My experience is, if I want 5 healthy plants I’ll germinate 10 seeds then thin out those little girls that appear to be deficient in some way. If I get 5 healthy ladies from 10 seeds, I’m happy.

But this is just me. Perhaps others have some advice? And by the way, just so you know, I’m not associated in any way with any seed bank!
I personally don't kill any seeds I grow

I'll usually plant what I want to grow, if they all don't germ, I'll pop a couple more if needed

Pheno hunting is different and does require more seeds , but I still don't kill any of them

But that's me
I've applied what I learned from vegetable gardening to growing weed: thin out the seedlings, and keep just the best. I don't personalize my seedlings or name them; makes it easier for me to weed out the weed. It's much too easy to get attached to my babies. I understand how that is, and I have no problem with those who like to amphomorphize their little girls, but knowing that I'm eventually gonna chop those suckers and smoke them helps me stay focused on the end result. But above all, smoke up, be happy, and don't worry.

My current grow is White Widow Auto using seeds from CKS. Plant in the upper left hand corner has been flowering for about 2 weeks. The other two started budding about 5 days ago. Just started the germ process on 6 seeds 2 days ago - all have cracked. Now waiting for taproots to get a little longer, then it's into the dirt with them. We'll see who makes it above the surface, and about 10 days after that the killing begins! I'll be looking to take at least 3 healthy plants to maturity.

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