How much longer do ya think?


420 Member
Hey this is my first grow, 2 gelato autos, place where i got the seeds from claimed 9 weeks but im on 8 weeks and 2 days right now, wondering how much longer do you guys think i have?








super pretty plant friend

thin leaf/sativaish, four to five weekends,,

or one more

or two
Get ya a scope but by the looks of your pistils about a month I would guesstimate. Those pistils won't be noticeable and they will change color and be crinkled into the bud.... where i got the seeds from claimed 9 weeks but im on 8 weeks and 2 days right now, wondering how much longer do you guys think i have?
A long time left to go. Did you write down the exact date you noticed that the auto-flowers started to show bud development or an increase in pistils? I am asking about the date because it does not look like 8 1/2 weeks of flowering development.
A long time left to go. Did you write down the exact date you noticed that the auto-flowers started to show bud development or an increase in pistils? I am asking about the date because it does not look like 8 1/2 weeks of flowering development.
Sorry Amigo that post is from June.
That pot is cut cured and smoked by now.
Stay safe.
A long time left to go. Did you write down the exact date you noticed that the auto-flowers started to show bud development or an increase in pistils? I am asking about the date because it does not look like 8 1/2 weeks of flowering development.
I read an article on this very point. Seed purveyors count the weeks from onset of buds/visible pistils NOT from the day of switching to 12/12. So then add about 10 days to your target window. Add 2-4 more weeks for senescence.???.
Yes I know next week is Thanksgiving - the PAR meter wont help you here. 170 degrees in the breast or thigh?

I have been hearing more about letting them grow to the end. I don't know about this but I have the opportunity to find out with this current grow. Pointers about letting a plant go to the end? An MTF with a hundred flowerpots might be a good plant for me to select.
Sorry Amigo that post is from June.
That pot is cut cured and smoked by now.
Stay safe.
Again....damn you to hell Bill for do indeed have a superpower!
Sorry Amigo that post is from June.
That pot is cut cured and smoked by now.
Stay safe.
Yep. If we think about some of the questions asked here over the years there is a possibility the plant is still there because the grower is waiting for some sort of help.;) You are right, I did not catch the date of the original message.

I still think that more growers need to write down a few simple bits of info. Since the days a plant is in the flowering stage is so important to the finished harvest I keep bringing up that the date of a switch to flowering should be written down and easy to find.

Human nature being what it is, people will quickly forget the exact date they planted a seed or took a cutting or the day the plant showed the first sign of flowers, etc. We end up with the questions asking for help and all the grower remembers is "it is about (unknown number of) weeks old" or "it started flowering a couple of weeks ago".

The farmers that raise the food crops that feed us don't fly by the seats of their pants like that. The farmer can plant a field of sweet corn in the morning and mark the calendar that evening with the day of the week several months in the future that he will pick and be selling that corn in his farmer's stall at the market.
Yep. If we think about some of the questions asked here over the years there is a possibility the plant is still there because the grower is waiting for some sort of help.;) You are right, I did not catch the date of the original message.

I still think that more growers need to write down a few simple bits of info. Since the days a plant is in the flowering stage is so important to the finished harvest I keep bringing up that the date of a switch to flowering should be written down and easy to find.

Human nature being what it is, people will quickly forget the exact date they planted a seed or took a cutting or the day the plant showed the first sign of flowers, etc. We end up with the questions asking for help and all the grower remembers is "it is about (unknown number of) weeks old" or "it started flowering a couple of weeks ago".

The farmers that raise the food crops that feed us don't fly by the seats of their pants like that. The farmer can plant a field of sweet corn in the morning and mark the calendar that evening with the day of the week several months in the future that he will pick and be selling that corn in his farmer's stall at the market.
It's not that simple. I can count backwards as well as a corn farmer. Sweet Corn has a comparatively very short window for ripening. When corn is ripe you better pick it now or the next morning. You say you grow corn? I was selling corn in a small town in Wisconsin at the age of 13 to 17. I didn't grow it but, my Godmother taught me a lot about when it was ready to pick at it's peak. She made two plantings 2 weeks apart and we had ripe corn everyday for months, not every plant ripens the same day even for corn. Hand picked right. Left overs were fed to the animals.
Pot is not like that at all. Heck people even have different opinions and preferences on when to harvest for desired effect. Pot has a huge harvest window. From the first stages of milky white trichomes to letting them grow until they die of maturity. This is a huge window.
Corn should be picked in the cool of the mornings, keep it cool and eaten ASAP because the sugars immediately begin to to convert to starch when it's picked. After breakfast we picked corn for lunch.
It's not that simple. I can count backwards as well as a corn farmer. Sweet Corn has a comparatively very short window for ripening. When corn is ripe you better pick it now or the next morning. You say you grow corn? I was selling corn in a small town in Wisconsin at the age of 13 to 17. I didn't grow it but, my Godmother taught me a lot about when it was ready to pick at it's peak. She made two plantings 2 weeks apart and we had ripe corn everyday for months, not every plant ripens the same day even for corn. Hand picked right. Left overs were fed to the animals.
Pot is not like that at all. Heck people even have different opinions and preferences on when to harvest for desired effect. Pot has a huge harvest window. From the first stages of milky white trichomes to letting them grow until they die of maturity. This is a huge window.
Corn should be picked in the cool of the mornings, keep it cool and eaten ASAP because the sugars immediately begin to to convert to starch when it's picked. After breakfast we picked corn for lunch.
My point is still valid. People trying to grow should know the date they start the 12/12 stage or the date the flowering actually starts. That should make it a lot easier for them if they have preferences on harvesting time for desired effect.

The grower can come online and show us a 100 pictures of the plant and the flowers and it is all guess work as to how much time is left when no one knows something as simple as the date the flowering actually started.

Corn should be picked in the cool of the mornings, keep it cool and eaten ASAP because the sugars immediately begin to to convert to starch when it's picked. After breakfast we picked corn for lunch.
And the process supposedly goes even faster when the husk is peeled off at the store and then the corn eaten that evening or the next day. I do not understand why the customers will stand there and strip the husk on their fresh corn before they even pay for it.
I do not understand why the customers will stand there and strip the husk on their fresh corn before they even pay for it.
I've never even grown corn and I always wonder that every time I see it. It isn't like corn is sold by the lb, so it is very confusing. Are people just afraid to put the husks in the trash at home or something? Odd. Oh, I just realized, maybe they do it to make sure there are no bugs .... still silly but at least it would make sense of the behavior.
Are people just afraid to put the husks in the trash at home or something? Odd. Oh, I just realized, maybe they do it to make sure there are no bugs .... still silly ...
Either or both of those.

Maybe they are embarrassed to come home with the husk still on; the neighbors might look down on them or something. When I get home and am starting to cook the corn I toss the husk on the compost pile. It could also be tossed in with the yard waste for places that have composting programs.

Some of them do check for 'corn borers or corn earworms'. All that usually takes is to look for entry holes on the husk and to pull the husk down an inch or two to check the ear just under the silk. Since they pulled it down an inch or so they figure they might as well go the distance and rip it all off.

Another reason to keep it on to the last minute is to heat it in the husk, either a quick boil or on the grill.
My point is still valid. People trying to grow should know the date they start the 12/12 stage or the date the flowering actually starts. That should make it a lot easier for them if they have preferences on harvesting time for desired effect.

The grower can come online and show us a 100 pictures of the plant and the flowers and it is all guess work as to how much time is left when no one knows something as simple as the date the flowering actually started.

And the process supposedly goes even faster when the husk is peeled off at the store and then the corn eaten that evening or the next day. I do not understand why the customers will stand there and strip the husk on their fresh corn before they even pay for it.
I peel corn to see the corn inside and decide to buy or not. Have you ever tried some smoke and then don't buy it? I'll find something else or somewhere else to eat easier. Back to these buds.
3 strains, 6 weeks of veg @ 18/6. Now 28 days of 12/12. Last night they frosted. Here is a confounding variable I added nearly double the light power 4 days earlier.
Does this frosting on 28 days post 12/12 on a GSC tell me for sure I'm on target for 65 days? Did the added light cause this frosting or was it simply "time"?
Sorry this is a labored question, if it was easy I might figure it out. The Bruce Banner has a longer harvest window, if I lower the light on this will it hasten maturity? I don't have a PAR meter but I believe I am maxed out on lighting..
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