How much NPK is 13% Potassium Silicate

I posted a link to some science up there ^^^

Here it is again:

Uptake system of silicon in different plant species

Are you reading what references you're posting??

You posted a scientific source that said influence of Si on plant growth "needs more study"

Then you posted a write up from a company that sells silica products. That's not science that's MARKETING.

Do you work for one of these companies that sells silica suppliments??
Bob my original post was about how to figure out my NPK ratio of a bottle.
Instead of answering the original post you chose to focus on the fact that I could not in any possible way be right a out silica being reason or partial reason to my excessive growth.

So instead of coming here to construct and answer the question you chose to destruct and go off a out something else entirely. I got no time for that kinda bullshit man.

You said yourself you have never grown with a soiless medium that contained no silica.
But somehow your an expert suddenly on peat moss based soiless mixes and silica.
No experience but you have the all the knowledge.

Bro science.

You grow in amended soil. The earth's crust is made up of 45% silica or something along those lines.

So people In amended soils would NOT notice an increase in growth if their substrate already contained silica.
That's not just science but common sense

My plants tissue and cells HAD ZERO silica inside it because I didnt grow with it. AND IT WASNT RELEASED from my substrate because there was none in it.

This grow I've been added it so my plant finally contains something it didnt have before which natively it should.
By the rules of elimination and everyday common sense that tell u that addition alone has helped my excessive plant growth in some way shape or form.

And that second link about silica is from a company who sells silica products. They also have an extensive research and development team.

Just because you sell a worldwide product you research and develop on that means it's all bullshit?
No, this is just you grasping at straws doing everything you can to prove someone wrong.

Silica is not a money maker. 10 bucks a bottle will not break the bank and nute companies do not rely on them to keep their company afloat.

The second link I provided from that same company that has their own R and D team and sells silica also provided LINKS and REFERENCES to the scientific studies they pulled the info of of to help back up their claims......

Their not just throwing shit around like advanced nutrients.
Its not like its ADVANVED nutrients trying to sell bud blaster or tarantula juice which costs 50 to 60 bucks a bottle.

My own photo evidence and grow journals and pictures I take and document every 2nd day is some form of proof that the silica did something compared to last grow whether bob brown admits it or not it matters not. You cant argue with results and photo evidence under almost IDENTICLE parameters.

If you ain't here to help and answer the ORIGINAL POST and your just here to be a pain In the cunt, you are more than welcome to do it somewhere else.

I'll leave you with my favorite quote tho because you've earned it.....

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