How often should I feed my plant?


Active Member
I gave CalMag to one of my plants 4 days ago, I gave grow and heaven to 3 plants, the soil dried out, should I give grow and heaven again? Or can I get CalMag once and then grow and heaven? Can you help me please ??
1 plant 14 weeks old 3 plants 11 weeks old.


Normally, you feed, then water only, then feed, then water only. You can mix the calmag with the nutes, just add calmag first, mix and let it sit for 10-15 minutes, then add your nutes, mix wait a few minutes and PH the solution to about 6.2 (for soil), that is if the nutes are liquid. For dry amendments use manufacturers recommendations.
Try to avoid feeding dry soil, wet it first with a little water then feed
With BB Grow, I'd use full strength [3-4ml/L] feed>feed>water>feed>feed>water...
CaMg is not really necessary and the nutrient should pull your pH down to approx pH6.5 which is OK, though pH6.3 is better
If you need to pH the water, do it before you add the nutes, ie pH it to 6.5 and let the nutes drop it a little more
Adding pH down to an organic feed mix is not a great idea, better to dilute it first
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