How to adjust my Coco A + B ratio?


Well-Known Member
Need some help guys n gals, Running Nutrifield Coco A + B range 70/30 perlite. I always seem to end up with a little clawing /nitrogen toxicity toward flower the schedule is equal parts a+b all the way through , Can i adjust this ratio myself and put a little less of the B (Nitrogen based) or will this cause other issues. I'm at like 1.3-1.4 ec week 3 flower.
Can i adjust this ratio myself and put a little less of the B

I'm going to assume that's half the reason it comes in two separate bottles, lol. (The other half being that some things, when added together, will cause something to precipitate out, a reaction of some sort, or both.) That company also sells an "Elements" line that has four components (two growth and two bloom) plus a lot of supplement products, so you could probably approximate whatever custom formulation you want to (within reason).
Can you post the ‘guaranteed analysis’ info of the ingredients on the back of the two bottles? Also the quantity- in millilitres, and weight of each bottle. Those two numbers are usually on the front of the bottle. If you do that I’ll run them through Hydro Buddy nutrient calculator for you, and can give you a good idea how things look re the nutrients.
5 Litres/1.32 Gal 5.83KG/12.85LB


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Also the quantity- in millilitres, and weight of each bottle. Those two numbers are usually on the front of the bottle.

Ok I found the missing info re the volume/weight on the net :thumb:

Entered all the info into the program now I just need to know how much you’re using.

How much of each bottle are you using to mix with your water?

....For now I’m going to assume you’re following whatever their schedule is for early bloom and try to find that info online.

Edit- can’t seem to find a clear answer to that so will wait for you to reply. I need to know the ratio of nutrient/water you use for each bottle. Ml/gallon would be easiest.
But not the ppm or EC reading- the actual amounts.
I generally make it up off the ppm pen but it's 2m a and b per liter of water. 50-70% recommendewd ammount of extra addatives. not following that schedule as i end up way higher in the ppm then what i'm already seeing clawing at. The nutrient box i got with my a+b sais fair higher fucking ammounts than what you've posted though, same with the nutrifield calculator on the website.... Where did you get the chart above? And this chart sais only 2-3 weeks of flavour saviour my freaking things both say from start to end of flower. Swear these are just super heavy amounts to make you use more nutrients haha. So if i follow above. a + b = 480ppm. calmag=80-100ppm. After the other addatives it takes me to a total of about 760 ppm.
That schedule is one I found through google images. No idea where since I didn’t look, or save the original pic after I uploaded it.

Ok 2 ml/litre works out to around 7.5 ml/gallon. I’m running that through.

Here’s a screenshot of the relevant area showing how that feeding amount pans out.
The targets I entered, on left column, are for the early bloom stretch period. Targets have been worked out by @Skybound by compiling info from other growers as well as his own grows and seem to be very close to perfect.

Ignore the total ppm figures for now. There is always a discrepancy between what Hydro Buddy shows and the ppm your meter shows. Your EC meter just measures electrical conductivity which overall is not very accurate for measuring nutrients. HB directly measures the actual amounts by crunching the numbers as stated in the ingredients.
For the moment what we care about most are the ratios between the elements -since with your two bottle system to adjust one we have to adjust them all, unfortunately. And while the micro ingredients are important- it’s the NPK, and Ca, Mg that takes priority obviously.

As we can see your ratios are pretty wonky. There’s not going to be a way to get things perfect with just these two bottles, or even very close. I tried juggling things and there’s no way to get your K levels even close to the right range without going way over on the N and P levels.

This is as close as I could get to the targets.

That’s using 21.2 ml of Coco A and 8.2 ml of Coco B.

We can find ways to tweak things as best as possible though. Also my experience (stuck using bottles for years just like you with no real way to adjust things) shows there is a large range of flexibility in nutrient levels where the plants maybe never look perfectly healthy, but still grow decent bud.

Hopefully Skybound picks up on this and has some thoughts. I have to catch a few hours sleep :)
Oh wait I just re-read. Maybe you edited your post or I missed it. You’re adding calmag too? What brand and how many ml?

After the other addatives it takes me to a total of about 760 ppm.

Anything other unmentioned nutrients i should know about to help you properly?
Oh wait I just re-read. Maybe you edited your post or I missed it. You’re adding calmag too? What brand and how many ml?

Anything other unmentioned nutrients i should know about to help you properly?
Basically when i followed the nutrifield range shchedule and got clawing/burning i tried to follow "cultivators"how to feed coco on 420mag . he sais 150 ppm calmag before any a+B which is 1m per litre (Grotek CalMax) i use the full nutrifield line at about 50% the recommended they say for each bottle. There is like 6 bottles ontop of the calmag and A+B. This is the what the caluclator gives me for a 10 litre brew which is a lot higher than the chart you sent me.


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You think my a+b is formulated so i don't need any calmag and the calmag i'm adding is taking me over the Nitrogen levels i'm supposed to be at? Appreciate the help seriously man a lot of good info above already!
Ok cool. Can you send me the same info for the Calmag that I asked for with the other two?
The analysis on back label- and the volume and weight which is usually on front.

Yes calmag is usually a big source of N.

If you’re adding six other nutrients on top of the ones you mentioned ??? then that drastically changes the picture.

From post 1 above I thought you were just using Coco A and B. But ok. So you are using all those ones in that picture you sent me. At the amounts listed?
And yes you would not need to add any more calcium. You do not need Calmag. The missing Mg can be easily filled with some Epsom salts which Hydro Buddy will also easily calculate. But not till we know exactly what you’re feeding them in total.
Awesome man, I'll snap pics of each bottle i use and the measurements . The no calmag sounds good to me lol i just figiured the nutrient brands line are all made to work together so if i followed their sechedule or 1/2 to 2/3rds strength i'd be fine.
This is what i use to calculate my mix for a 10l res i set the calulator to 7L though so i'm about 2/3rds recommended on their feeding chart. Totally fine with ditching whatever bottles aren't needed, Cheaper for me after all lol
In for a penny, in for a pound as they say...:laughtwo: I’ll enter that stuff later on when I get a chance. If possible could you edit to order them more clearly or label them -it gets confusing towards the end as I can’t tell which labels match which bottles
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