How to market medical marijuana


New Member
If you want the general public behind us, we need to distance ourselves' from the tabacco industry. We need to look to the future. A time when you can go to your local coffee shop and enjoy a cup of coffee and a marijuana brownie, before going to a Wille Nelson/ Bob Dylan concert.

You need to acknowledge smoking can be bad for your health, and with the legalization of marijuana, it would be possible for those who use marijuana, to do it in a healthy way, not only for them, but for all those around them.

The world needs to know that marijuana is available in liquid form, similar to wine, or a brew pub style beer, or a green tea spritzer.

For those needing cancer treatment, pill form will be available. It would be measured doses with quality controls allowing pharmaceutical extracts of the plants DNA makeup, for pain reduction, sleeping pills, appetite enhancement, and overall stress relief.

The last thing we need is to associate our cause to the tabacco industry. We all know, the future of legal marijuana is not smoking it.

Legalizing it would reduce the number of those who smoke. Our hope is to make marijuana a smokeless herb as soon as the laws change. Legalizing it would make society a much healther place for everyone, including our youth, who today have no other choice but to smoke it.

Marijuana is not habit forming or addictive.

Smoking is a habit and addictive

I normally charge $30,000 for advice like this...for a good cause, it's free.
Never heard of MJ in a liquid form before. Do you have any more info would be curious to know how it's made and what it is.

Extracts like tinctures can be taken in liquid form. There are other types of beverages as well such ass bhang, green dragons, and fire water.
Ok Plumpy. U let THEM grow urs while the rest of us do what we've been doin. If ur in it strictly for commerce I can see ur concern. I feel ur jumping the gun but I still can see ur concern. If U can't beat em join em. If that's how u really feel, go corporate with them. What's the harm in that?
You did forget or have not pondered the true fact of this. If marijuana is made legal,who do you think the goverment will let grow it ? The tobacco companys will. The goverment makes money off taxes,right ? In order to get on the bus ,you would have to be a tobacco company.

Also in pill form for cancer treatment. Who will produce this. The pharmaceutical companys will rule over all others. Just as they have over the years. There is no way in hell,the goverment is going to let someone in their backyard make anything for public use.

In liquid form....this is a no brainer. Beer,soda & tea companys will jump at the chance to produce it. Mean while ,joe the back yard wanna be can't get his or her foot in the door to try. Think about what you are saying. The world revolves around money and if you don't have the bank enough for massive start up fees. Forget about it.

I do agree on legalizing it. It would be much better than wasting billions of dollars and people being in prison of a small amount of weed. If it were to be legalized. I think a huge drop in crime & the fact that as soon as it was the effect would be so.

Drop in crime.
The price would go down.
Those who use the real drugs might stop and go back to smoking weed.
Obama would make good on his word {Cold day in hell }

Medical marijuana user under the radar in a southern state

One other important point to ponder is how to keep legal medicinal cannabis from falling into the illicit market if folks could grow it at home for medical purposes.

Your President Obama said (and I loosely paraphrase with tongue firmly planted in cheek) come with your ideas on health care reform, I may not agree with them. However, I'll be polite and listen to your ideas even if I'll be ROFLAMO as soon as the door closes behind you.

So here you go, to the Canadian Senate, who start looking at Bill C-15 on September 14, 2009 and to USA President Mr. Obama's Health Care Reform.

Problem: How to supply medicinal cannabis pharmacies?

Problem: How do Gov't Exempt Medical Cannabis patients and designated cultivators get rid of excess medicinal cannabis without it entering the illicit market?

Problem: Greed, morals, values and accountability lacking in many "medical cannabis clubs".
Leaves door open for illicit market to pray on the weak and naive Gov't Exempt Medical Cannabis patients. Designated cultivators looking to get rid of excess medicinal cannabis without it entering the Illicit market can also be deceived as well.

Possible solution: Medicinal cannabis pharmacies buy their product from Designated Cultivators and are paid in gram for gram credits. Example: You drop off 30 grams now your allowed to pick up 30 grams of something else for your client. A min. number of grams would be held in trust by the pharmacies in the event of crop loss or failure. Thus insuring DC patient need for Rx wouldn't impact other clients of the pharmacy while the DC got back on track.

Not complete by no means and may be one of those ROFLMAO once I have a rest and reread what I posted.
Anyhow, I'd love to hear other people's thoughts and ideas on the subject.

A USA President a long time ago said Government should only do for the people what they alone can not do.
I come from a long time tobacco growing family in the East,we were growing tobacco before there was a United States.

In the last century many states enacted what were called tobacco allotments. They were based on the size of the various plots,from a 1/4 acre to an acre and a half,where I grew up. It was legal to lease a set number of allotments from someone else if you wanted to expand your operation.

At the end of the season,the tobacco was cut,dried,given a cure,stripped of stems,bailed and finally taken to auction where the large tobacco companies bid on the various lots. The price you got varied by the quality and quantity of leaf you produced,simple economics.

The key was you couldn't grow without a state allotment and you couldn't sell except at a govt. overseen auction.

That to me seems to be the way to deal with weed. Allotments,auctions,and some type of state controlled weed retailing ala liquor.

The grower has control of his choice of plants and their handling until it's fully cured,it goes to a govt. auction,and it's on it's way to market after the taxman takes his cut.

Make no mistake about it. If MJ goes legal,it is going to a huge biz,and those darned multinationals are going to be into it up to their eyebrows.

As far as strains,any smart farmer is going to grow a strain that is a big yielder with high potency,needs minimal tending and has minimal pest problems in his region.
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