How to revive abused Clones

Mr Mark

420 Member
After all my mates plants were cut and destroyed, I managed to recover a couple of phenotype clones, which had been lying outside for days..

I have planted them in an organic soil mix, as seen below.



This is the soil I planted them in, they are under huge CFL bulbs with reflectors..

My humidity has been up and down, but I have tried to keep it up by throwing boiling water on the floor every so often when i notice it is down.. but mostly around the 50% mark.

My plants or at least those I managed to save, have in the last week started showing signs of recovery..

I'm finding it very difficult to diagnose anything as they and there leaves were in quite a state when I found them..

If anybody can guide me a little as I would like to make these into mothers..

the two strains are Jack Herer and possibly cheese or Afghan Kush..

Here are some pics of what I have left..


As you can see I have numerous possible problems, or should I only be looking at the new growth, in which case the leaves are spiraling on one or two of them, and on another plant one of the laves is pointing down along with the edges, but its not the whole plant in both cases.
And then there is the question of why are they taking so long to recover..?
Been a little over 2 weeks.


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It looks like you are on the right path, You are getting new growth just give them some more time to veg sounds like they have been threw some trauma so they will need a good amount of time to recover, Old growth tells you what it has been threw before in its life... The new growth will tell you the signs on how she is doing now and where shes headed health wise with future vegging. I'm not sure if you should use those cuttings for mothers because they have been threw so much shock, IMO I would grow them out and then clone some fresh cuttings from that healthy plant and make mothers of those cuttings... best of luck!
Water them - the soil looks pretty dry in that 1 pic.

If you want to see more growth, water them and put a small fan on them. The fan will help them transpire which in turn will encourage them to uptake water from the soil, along with nutrients.

Fans are beneficial.

50% rh is fine. Wish it was that low here now.

What happened to your buddy. Why did he abandon/tear down??
It looks like you are on the right path, You are getting new growth just give them some more time to veg sounds like they have been threw some trauma so they will need a good amount of time to recover, Old growth tells you what it has been threw before in its life... The new growth will tell you the signs on how she is doing now and where shes headed health wise with future vegging. I'm not sure if you should use those cuttings for mothers because they have been threw so much shock, IMO I would grow them out and then clone some fresh cuttings from that healthy plant and make mothers of those cuttings... best of luck!

Hey Herby..

Thanks for the kind words and advice, at least I know I'm on the right path..
It is very much appreciated.. :thumb:
After all my mates plants were cut and destroyed, I managed to recover a couple of phenotype clones, which had been lying outside for days..

I have planted them in an organic soil mix, as seen below.

Mind sharing the brand of that soil? Would be interested to see more about it.
Water them - the soil looks pretty dry in that 1 pic.

If you want to see more growth, water them and put a small fan on them. The fan will help them transpire which in turn will encourage them to uptake water from the soil, along with nutrients.

Fans are beneficial.

50% rh is fine. Wish it was that low here now.

What happened to your buddy. Why did he abandon/tear down??

Hi Bob..

Thank you for your help, I am watering them with water from a stream outside, which I first PH..

I am also under the impression, that I should let the soil dry about 2 inches down before I water..?

I Do have a fan which I will send you a picture of, so you can see how i've set it up..
The leaves get blown every minute or so.

Also I had some white stuff at the base if the stems on those that died, and am afraid its on those that are living as well, but cant see it as its just below the surface..?
pic to follow..

[QUOTE="bobrown14, post: 4594818
What happened to your buddy. Why did he abandon/tear down.?

[QUOTE= Well the place was raided by the Fuzz..
They destroyed 7 flower rooms..


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Mr Mark - yeah those roots are not looking good. Thats some sort of mold looks like to me. Likely from the stream water sadly.

Can you get filtered water or even your faucet water left to sit out over night will be ok.

The best defense against soil pests is to overwhelm them with good bacteria and fungi.

Can make a kelp (sea weed) and worm casting tea - stir let sit over night stir and use that to water in.

There will be lots of beneficial bacteria from the EWC (castings) that will help the plants and the soil to tame down those bad pathogens.
Mr Mark - yeah those roots are not looking good. Thats some sort of mold looks like to me. Likely from the stream water sadly.

Can you get filtered water or even your faucet water left to sit out over night will be ok.

The best defense against soil pests is to overwhelm them with good bacteria and fungi.

Can make a kelp (sea weed) and worm casting tea - stir let sit over night stir and use that to water in.

There will be lots of beneficial bacteria from the EWC (castings) that will help the plants and the soil to tame down those bad pathogens.
Howzit Bob.. That is great advice thank you, I'm going to take some water now, and leave it overnight..!!
plus the place where I got this amazing soil from has an organic tea that sounds exactly like what you are suggesting.!! :thumb:
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