How to smoke hash

Re: how to smoke some hash...?

Unless it's really cheap or poor quality hash, the LAST thing you want to do is torch the thing. If it is a gooey type of hash, you want to gently tap your lighter against it, but only for half a second at a time. If it begins to bubble and dissapear, this is good. Your goals is to liquify and vaporize it with the flame, not torch it. Now are now inhaling the oily goodness. If your hash is harder, you still want to tap it, but focus on one spot. When your hash lights up orange, like a small coal, STOP LIGHTING IT. It may not look or feel like you are inhaling much from that little tiny ember, but YOU ARE. Trying to set the entire chunk of hash on fire like a piece of weed is a waste of hash. One small ember is all you need.
There are many fancy ways to smoke hash, but I'll tell you the simplest. If it is pliable, take a SMALL piece of the hash and flatten it out as much as you can with your index finger and thumb. Lay that little hash disc over a small piece of bud, and tap it with the lighter, holding the lighter to the weed when the hash is gone. If the hash is less pliable and hard, shave off a few small shavings and little chunks on top of a small nug, or, break off a big chunk and smoke it alone. For smoking a big chunk, its best to ahve some friends or be prepared to pass out after a few hits.

Yeah same here. I just recently started smoking this stuff & I do it the same. I lay a bit of pot down first & I use a glass screen in my pipe too (to save it from getting wasted - it melts). I never smoke it w/my bong though b/c I was told it'll go faster. IDK how true that is, but all you have to do is tell me I'll go through it faster & that's warning enough. LOL Save the bong for my weed then.
Hot knives, pin tokes, bottle tokes, butt tokes, or a plain old joint. The hotknives were always tricky after awhile, I've seen really big dudes black right out from one haul on the knives , and I wore the scabby "X" on my bottom lip as a badge of honour. I had to get over the ribbing from my buddies or they wouldn't have
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