
There ya go,you answered your own question...
You can't really stop their vertical growth,but you can redirect it into horizontal growth by tying the branches down-this gets it to bush out,instead of just getting tall and skinny.
I probably will have to do that with orphan annie(beast mode), but I am going to lollipop the clone and scalp her either today or tomorrow when I take my clones from her; and then put her into flower, probably monday or tuesday. Still got to figure out if I want to separate the orphan from the clone, or just rotate the orphan out for the extra hours of light?
Hey folks! Busy day. Took my new clones from the mother ship, got them set up ok in moist soil, and the wand lights seem to be working well for the small space. I took 4 clones just in case one or three go boobs up in the process, and am putting both the orphan annie and the mother clone officially into flower in less than two hours. Should I treat the new clones as new plants and discount the hours they were on the mother ship in calculating the 18/6 schedule, or just keep as is and wake them up as normal in the morning? Am leaning towards just keeping them on schedule. Anyway, stressful, but fun too, goodnight y'all.... time to toke... :ganjamon::Rasta::bongrip:
Ok, another busy day on the Ponderosa. Two of my 4 clones bit the dust; one was operator error, and the other just didn't want to go on, i believe. Pretty sure that the orphan annie is a gurl, her pre-flower presentation is mimicking the mother clone. Both are into flower, and both are showing signs of a nutrient def., i think. A few of the leaves on each are showing some discoloration(yellow between the veins, but no brown spots insidethecondo.jpgmamaclone (1).jpgorphannnie.jpgclone condo.jpg), a few have burn tips, and some are puffy? I believe it to be a ph issue(not manganese) with the extra vit c added to the water for de-chlorination, so i will back off on that as it isn't every leaf, just a few. So, i gave both a half litre of CaMg, and am holding off on any more until I see some more signs. The next watering will just be pure water. I did add another 75w LED in anticipation of them needing the juice. I have one on each side of the housing facing each plant, and one in the middle, right in between to catch any of the stragglers. Tomorrow, I will look at them again and just go from there. My two clones that are surviving in the condo are doing well, so far. My setup is fairly decent, i think. I put some seran wrap around the top of their pots to encourage humidity and am misting them on a regular basis, no droop so far. The first one to die did so the next day, no love. The second one, I even gave extra light by putting it in with the gurls, and it was fine for ~ 10 hours, and then this am it went tits up. Glad that I took more than just a couple. Look at my pics and let me know if something jumps out at any of you. I did turn up the thermostat in the house to help the clones out, and I did increase the fan speed inside the housing for the gurls. No bugs, no other issues so far. :Rasta::yummy:
Nothing much to report today. The two surviving clones(C2), are doing well, and I am LST the mother ship and that is going well as the limbs are bowed and the mode sites are turning up towards the lights. Once I began the LST, the other limbs must have gotten more light because they automatically began to also turn towards the light. LST on the orphan annie is not going to be easy because her limbs are so strong from the fan and she is a different strain. Both are definitely indica and definitely skunk, go figure! Also, the orphan annie is a gurl as her pistils are presenting exactly in the same form/way that the mother ship is, so I am gassed about that. The Fox Tiger did not arrive yesterday, but it is supposed to be here tonight and that will be the next chore. All of the limbs that I topped a week ago now have active cola sites that are turned towards the lights. The dispensary did a very nice job of trimming the limbs initially because my mother ship has a natural xmas tree shape after the initial bowing out at the beginning of flower. They left enough room between branches while also alternating which side that branches were left on so that with LST it seems as if everyone has enough room. The extra light for the bottom leaves/limbs has worked well also. If anyone complains about the smell I can always revert to 'must be a dead skunk' under the building; they are/will be that skunky! :yummy::Rasta::ganjamon: mmmmhhhmmmmmm
Ok, we are officially week two into flower for the Mama bear and the Orphan annie, and both are doing well. I am seeing a bit of a stretch from both, but rate of growth for each seems to have settled down although both are still getting vertical. The two remaining clones(c2), from the Mothership are doing well. I took the seran wrap off today to get a better look and to see if there was any new growth on the top, and I believe each does have some. I also wanted to dress both with dry topsoil on the top to discourage fungal gnats(which is why I went with the seran in the first place. I also had to ditch one house plant and quarantine another because of those little, slow bastards). Also, condensation was forming and dropping onto the plants, so I wanted to control the overall moisture to both as well. I am thinking that I will give both their first traditional watering tomorrow(waiting for signs of thermal shock after removing the wrap), I have been misting with a combination of water and a bit of hydrogen peroxide and they seem fine. I did turn the heat up a bit(today only), in order to compensate for the removal of the wrap. What do you guys/gals think? Also, I am waiting for signs of thirst from both of the big gurls to give them each another dose of the Fox farms fert., as the funny colors of some of the leaves of each have not spread, so I am feeling good about that. Anyhoot, here are some pics, please tell me where I am screwing the pooch, technique-wise. Take a look at both the orphan annie and the mama clone(top branches for each)c2.jpgc2condo.jpgorphanannie (2).jpgmamaclone (2).jpgMamaclone (1).jpgOrphanannie.jpg; i know the mama is a gurl, doesn't it look like the orphan is as well, or is it just me being hopeful??....Time to chill....:bongrip::Rasta::ganjamon:
Oh, I did try my hand at LST, and put some weight on the branches that were too straight, it seems to be working out pretty well, after just a few days I was able to change limb sites as the first trained branches stayed put. The orphan is a whole other deal, she is too robust to hang anything from. #beast. Plus, she only has a few branches anyway, so... we shall see. :Rasta::ganjamon::bongrip:
ok, so i have been doing some research, and i have decided to take a clone from orphan annie; she is just too good to let go! I have been reading up on monster-cropping, and there is one branch on the orphan that is near the bottom and acting like it wants to quit the band. It isn't sickly, just stubborn(every other branch its size has begun forming buds in tandem and in bunches), and a great candidate(imho) for the clone post-flower process. I will do that tonight as this tuesday would mark the second official week into flower and I want to stay away from that milestone. Here are some pics of the two clones from the mothership, and they are doing nicely. I have decreased the distance from bulb to plant to see if they will grow better or just in case more heat is needed. If they crump, then I will just remove the extension, no harm no foul. :ganjamon::Rasta::yummy:c2b.jpg
chuck brown and lucy; cb is on the left for obvious reasons(think charlie brown christmas tree!).....
she is definitely a 'she', buds in clumps and tandem everywhere except for one branch.....And, she took to the LST well as her limbs are still spongy, so she has an upside down umbrella shape now with every branch receiving light. The mothership has done well too, but still has some stubborn branches that needed a little bit more weight in order to get them to comply.... Will post pics of them both on Tuesday; week two of flower!
ok, quick update: whereas I was going to try to monstercrop the one hateful limb from the Orphan Annie that was being stubborn and non-fruitful, when i went in to go and perform the operation, this limb decided to sprout a beautiful bouquet of buds along every node leading to the terminal leaf, damn! However, two of the lower limbs that were not even close to having buds, but did have three or four nodes each seemed like good candidates for the monster mash. So, I switched up gears, got two pots ready instead of one, and I took these two(twins!) from the Orphan Annie proper. As the OA was so young to begin with, these limbs came off beautifully, and the process was much easier and faster this time around because of the practice that the C2's gave me from last week. While I was dressing the two newbies, I had the clone condo set up and warming with the lights for each at half power, turned up the heater in the casa and went to work. I have enclosed some pics of the twins, and they look really good. No crump so far from either and I have learned some quick lessons from the last batch(c2's), namely that I need to be more concerned with watering and heat control with my particular setup and not so much with humidity and super strong lighting.
To this end, I put more water into the soil immediately surrounding the rooting area, and then a bit more once the new gurls were seated and upright. I re-dressed each with dry potting soil to discourage any stray fungal gnats that might be lurking(fuckers), and we shall see tomorrow morning. Now that I know the miracle-gro rooting powder will work, I can focus on temperature and water control and not so much humidity production or maintenance to encourage root growth. And, because I know how well the mama OA naturally grows, it should be quick and easy to determine if a problem exists. Idk if it is the different strain variety or not, but the orphan annie is clearly more robust and is further along into flower(say at least a week, physically) even though she is clearly younger than the mama bear clone, with her pedigree and the 20 dollar price tag, go figure. Mutts rule in Nature!


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Day two: the OA clones are still perky in the clone condo, I did knuckle both the mothership and the orphan annie as they were nearing the lights, and everyone seems to be happy and healthy... The mothership clones are fine with the extension and are showing new growth...happy saturday people! :bongrip::yummy::Rasta:
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