I could really use some help!


New Member
Back in April I threw a bunch of bag seeds in the ground and left them. I have watered them from time to time and just recently gave them some Miracle Grow. As you can see they seem to be growing pretty well... Now how much longer should I leave them before i should expect them to start flowering and budding? or will they. I have enclosed a couple of pictures to give you an idea. They are almost 5 ft high. I am about 5'5'. Please any advice to make the science project work would be appreciated.

Beautiful plants friend! Alot of people struggle to grow plants that are that healthy. :thumb: You will need to find any males and pull them if don't want them to have seeds in them (they might end up with some seeds just from stray pollen, but if you leave males in there, they will definitely have seeds all over). There are some good pictures floating around this site that show the difference in male and female flowers. I will try and find one.
Thank you, I literally just threw them in our flower bed. Buried them and have just watered them. If i just left them would they bud or no?even if they had seeds would they bud? I was doing this as a joke and now I want to see how far i can get them..
They will most likely bud unless there is something wrong with the genetics or something. Your probably looking at a harvest date of somewhere between mid october and mid november +/- a few weeks.


Thank you man. Looking at these I would say the large 2 are females, There are smaller ones that are not as nearly as tall. They are growing really slow. Probably males.. lol
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