I made hash for the first time!


New Member
And... guess how much we got??! Over 40 grams. And before you ask, yeah that's dry. :) Something so gross looking has never looked so enticing before hahahaha

Um, I'm a happy lady.
Re: I made hash for the first time!!!

Did you dry screen it, or bubblebag it, icewater, or what?

Bags. Used payload bags...

Got their four bag set w/a pressing screen. Did the ol bucket mixing w/ice, water & a drill w/a beater mixer. It wasn't nearly as much work as I thought it was gonna be... oh wait, I won't lie... the other half did the hardest work. I'm spoiled.
Re: I made hash for the first time!!!

OK here is a picture:


I've been smoking since we made it, but c'mon, like I even put a dent in it in a few days lol It's from the trim we had left from our grow. Yeah, TOTALLY worth it.
Nice chunk of hash! How does it smoke?


I did two batches - there were the three strains we had, but the White Russian had very little trim in comparison, so just spread it between the Recon & Green C (like just mixed it together half in one, half in the other). Worked out great for me b/c the WR works really well to keep my sick stomach at bay from all the puking I do, and now the Recon & Green C hash have that added benefit of "extra strength" anti-emetic for me.

Anyway, the Green C is amazing. All screen sizes came out tasting great & smoking incredibly smooth. The smell is just like Niagara grapes. So yummy. Smokes smooth too... can smoke out of pipe or bong & smooth, no coughing at all, which is great b/c my lungs are so sensitive. Slight sweet taste left on my lips after I exhale & the smoke passes over. Can barely taste the sweetness, but it's there, almost like when you lick your lips after having chap stick on all day, and there is still a little flavor left. It's a really uplifting, awaking high. I mean, I don't honestly think that I could go to sleep after smoking if I wanted to. It's like a morning cup of coffee, but at the same time I get pain relief all over. Even though it gives me that pain relief, and it's pretty strong too - gets me through some severe pain, but I can still function completely. Honestly, I believe it helps me focus better. I'm so easily distracted & have TBI... but I can really focus on things more.

The Recon is great. I've been smoking on that daily, in the evenings mostly, for really severe pain. It works great & can usually keep me down for a good night's sleep. I rarely sleep an entire night - usually gotta get up a few times to smoke due to pain, sickness, etc. I've had quite a few decent length nights sleep smoking on this. It's also very smooth as well, but not quite as much as the GC. It's totally worth it though b/c it does the job that I need it for. I'll cough now and again for the relief I get from it. I sometimes have to reach for this in the day time, but when I do, I prefer to mix it w/either the Green C hash or a good sativa so I don't get so tired.
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