I need help about pot size


Well-Known Member
hello, i am new and this is my first growth in life.
I got the seeds from a friend. I planted them two months ago and then made a top and LST I transplanted them once with a 5l in a 10l pot. I use a hesi bloom complex, super vit, flower boost , phosphorus plus. Now I wonder if the pot will be big enough by the end of flowering? And what is the difference between the yield in a 10l and 20l pot? I am also covering the plants for 12/12 every day.


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The biggest benefit to using a larger pot would be either extending veg a bit to get a bigger root system/plant before flower, or as a way of avoiding needing nutes, depending on what type of soil you're using. I do prefer up-potting to using nutes where possible, but transplanting mid flower can be a bit problematic, even for experienced growers.
As to yield, there are too many factors to say. Grower's experience/skill, strain, environmental factors, and even individual plant genetics play a role.
Looking from above, your plants seem to be about the right size for those pots. And your roots look good. If it were me, I would keep them in those pots.
I don't have any experience with those particular nutes, so maybe someone who does will chime in.
I wouldn’t think that transplanting in flower would be a great idea. I would finish them out in the pots they are in.
In future grows if you want to pot up you should try to do it at least a few days before flowering so they have time to recover and are in top shape when flowering begins.
Regarding pot size, bigger roots for bigger fruits from what I understand :yummy:
Thanks for answer!
I will keep those pots safer. Now I was inspecting the plants and I found that the green airplane and the buddha are female, at least I think so, can anyone check, please? And why are those little leaves turning to brown color on the photo aswell ?


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Mmm i did spend a few years growing in 6.5l air pots various strains etc even a mother plant in same size pot which yield 7 oz dry.

Spent some time in 10l fabric pots same result as 6.5l, down some heavy topping & long veg 5 oz dry.

Larger pots only really mean less watering time between the smaller pots.

Yield comes from good growing (environmental) conditions & some training which might depend on style of grow.
Mmm i did spend a few years growing in 6.5l air pots various strains etc even a mother plant in same size pot which yield 7 oz dry.

Spent some time in 10l fabric pots same result as 6.5l, down some heavy topping & long veg 5 oz dry.

Larger pots only really mean less watering time between the smaller pots.

Yield comes from good growing (environmental) conditions & some training which might depend on style of grow.

Really thanks for that.

That is a female preflower, you can see the pistils.
I have never seen brown stipules before, were they damaged?

Thanks, I'm happy to have a female plants !
I don't know how, where, the last two waterings was with a mix of hesi 9L water/ 45ml bloom complex /2 drops super vit /18ml boost. Ph 6.5. Approximately 1.1L per plant, from now on I will watering for 2-3 weeks with 45ml bloom and 2 drops super vit, mix with 9L water, after then again I will add flower boost and phosphorus plus to the end.
Maybe too much fertilizer?
On the picture is the soil I use, but everything is written in dutch


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Hmmm, when I've seen nute burn on plants, it never affected the stipules. I'm also not the best person to answer questions about fertilizer. I tend to avoid it when I can. I don't think that's your issue though. Keep an eye on the other stipules, and your leaves. If it spreads you have a problem.
You could also start a thread asking if anyone has seen anything like it. You might get more specific answers.
I have noticed this on only one plant and only on one branch.
One floor higher, everything is normal..
A mighty insect.I will if it goes on.


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