Idea on how to legalize


New Member
Hey I thought up this plan yesterday and honestly it seems like a good idea but let me know what you think.

I believe if you surveyed a huge amount of people asking them how often they have smoked pot in their lifetime and what effect it had on them that it would show that at a certain dose (responsible use) that did no damage and maybe even helped them out. You could then present this information to the public and begin drug education teaching people that if they choose to smoke and they are responsible it will not hurt them. I think if people knew that if they smoked only so often and it wouldn't be detrimental most people would stick to that amount.

Of course there are flaws with this....
1. Pinpointing whether it was the marijuana that effected them..but I beleive that after surveying alot of people there would be a general dose range where those people could maintin a succesful life. I think this could be done by sorting variables such as education, income growing up, single/divorced parents, mental health problems. But if you gathered all the information im sure there is some way to organize it so you could generally tell what was going on.
2. Getting people to believe the information you gathered. I think the only way to solve this is have some unbiased company that people trust collect and interpret the data. (you couldn't have some potheads survey a bunch of people and present the information, which was my first idea)

Any ideas, thoughts, or suggestions?
Not wanting to rain on your idea, for there are no bad ideas, the basic problems I see are the funds, backing, and management necessary to conduct that poll, massage the results, and finally formating your presentation for diliberation at the State, and Federal level.

Polls, and grassroot movements for legalization/decriminalization have been going on for years, and in many cases have swayed local laws in favor of of stoners in CA, OR., and other locations.

But on a National level, with the current administration, I wouldn't give it a chance in hell. These clowns could careless about the lobbyless masses.
We have a lobby: NORML But the current administraton doesn't want to take a single step back on the 'War On Drugs". It would make them look even weaker than they already do.


A survey wouldn't hold up in the house for anything. But a experiment done by scientists on a human being would actually show results. The idea of it in America though seems unethical.
i think the best way to legalize/decriminalize weed is for them to arrest me with 1 bag of weed over and over again. That way they'll look at me and say we can't throw this guy in jail, he's really not a criminal. He shouldn't go to prison, and it would all change from there.
GODhelpUS said:
i think the best way to legalize/decriminalize weed is for them to arrest me with 1 bag of weed over and over again. That way they'll look at me and say we can't throw this guy in jail, he's really not a criminal. He shouldn't go to prison, and it would all change from there.

no, it would make you look like you have a problem becuase even though you've gone through all the bullshit of jail and shit, which to them should reform you, and you still do it...that is must be bad
GODhelpUS said:
i think the best way to legalize/decriminalize weed is for them to arrest me with 1 bag of weed over and over again. That way they'll look at me and say we can't throw this guy in jail, he's really not a criminal. He shouldn't go to prison, and it would all change from there.

In a perfect world, the logic of this protest could sway the common sense of those in disagreement.

But unfortunately, this isn't a perfect world, and our 'deciders' logic and common sense can only be measured at the sub atomic level....These morons would have you pissing in a cup every week.
Too bad we can't trap all the U.N. members in a room.....

Peace would surely fall into place.

Only fight would be which country has to buy the munchies.....


If I don't post on 4th of July....awfully busy....please have a wonderful (and safe) 4th for what freedom we do have and take a moment of silence for those in foreign countries and to those POWs in our own country to a war that has no meaning (soft substances, that is.......)
GODhelpUS said:
i think the best way to legalize/decriminalize weed is for them to arrest me with 1 bag of weed over and over again. That way they'll look at me and say we can't throw this guy in jail, he's really not a criminal. He shouldn't go to prison, and it would all change from there.

Yah, cops love to fuck over repeat offenders..not what your thinking hehe.
Cannabis will be the least of USA's(or as I started calling them Team America) worries after the revolution starts and civil war breaks out, that or the Nuclear Holocost we will have because of WW III. I think Terrorists should just EMP all of Team Americas big citys and major database's like in Dark Angle.
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