Indoor Marijuana Grower


The Indoor Marijuana Grower
Part II: Indoor Growing

One of the safest ways to grown grass is in the security of your own home. This might save you from possible legal consiquences and/ or theft of the plant itself.

Marijuana adapts well to indoor conditions. You can grow it in sunny rooms or with artificial light. The factor limiting the rate of growth indoors is often the amount of light, since it is less a problem to supply the plants with plenty of water, nutrients, and air. Natural light is free. If feas- able to use, natural light eliminates the most expensive components for ind- oor gardeners: artifical lights and the electricity they use. Window light is the easiest way to grow plants for decorative purposes or for a small crop On the other hand, a greenhouse, sunporch, or particulary sunny room can support larger plants than most artificial light systems. A sunny porch or roof area enclosed in sheet plastic to form a greenhouse is a simple, inex- pensive way to grow pounds of grass.

Cannabis grows into a fully formed bush when it receives a minimum of five hours of sunlight a day. But you can grow good-sized plants of excel- lent quality with as little as two hours of daily sunlight provided windows are unobstructed by building or trees and allow full daylight.

Some growers supplement natural light with artificial light from incan- descent or fluorescent fixtures. This is essential during the winter, when sunlight is weaker than the summer, and in spaces where the plants get little direct sunlight. Artificial lights can also be used to lengthen the natural photoperiod in order to grow plants all year. The best time to plant using natural light is in late March or April, when the sun's intensity and the number of hours of daylight are increasing. A good light bulb tinting would be blue.

In its natural state, marijuana may grow an extensive root system. In dry areas, the tap root can grow more than six feet deep in its seafch for water. In moist areas with fertile soil (such as in potting mixtures), the lateral root remains small, often only three or four inches long on a seven-foot-tall mature plant.

The purpose of the growing medium is to provide adequate water and nutrients in addition to anchoring the roots, which hold the plant upright. By watering and fertilizing as needed, you could grow a six-foot plant in a four-inch pot

Most growers use containers that will hold between tow and five gallons of soil. These are good compromise in terms of weight, space, cost, and labor. They can be moved easily and hold an adequate reservoir of water and nutrients to sopport a large mature plant.

Marijuana must have a well-drained medium for healthy growth. Soilz that ld too much water or hold it unevenly can drown the roots, leading to poor grow- th or death of the plant. It prefers a medium that is high in nitrogen, and m mid-range in phosphorus and potassium (see note at end of file (#1)).

Growing methods:

1) Pinch or cut back the growing shoots when the plants are young. This for- ces each plant to develop several strong growing shoots and generally yields large robust plants.

2) Plant a number of plants in each pot.

3) Start many plants in small pots and transplant the best plants to larger pots when the plants crowd each other.

4) Use different light systems to grow plants at different growth stages.


The easiest way to start the plants is to sow the seeds directly into the soil. First, wet the soil with a moderate amount of water, enough to get the soil evenly moist without water running out the bottom. This takes about Problems with germination come from either too much or too little water. If you saturate the pots with water, and especially if you continue to saturate the pots after the seeds have sprouted, the seedlings may develop stem rot or root problems. When the stem rot develops, the base turns brown, and the seedling fall over, ending the garden. If the humidity, on the other hand, is low, the soil surface dries out quickly and the seeds won't germinate.

The Key to germination is to keep the soil surface moist after first having moistened the whole pot; then, after the first sprouts have been up for a few days, let the surface of the soil dry between waterings. Don't spray the surface anymore. Water with medium amounts of water when the soil in the top couple of inches feels dry. For small pots, water seedlings about twice a week. For larger pots, once each week or two may be enough.

Another way would be, starting the seeds in wet towels or a glass of water.. Add one teaspoon of liquid bleach (3%) to each cup of water. This will preve nt fungus from attacking the seeds, which happens when they are soaked for more than three days. Check the seeds each day. The sprout should be planted soon, as delay might might kill it (Transplant shock).


During Germination, keep the soil surface moist. But once the seedling are established, let the top layer of soil dry out before watering again.


The plant can withstand temperatures from freezing to over 100F. Temperatures above 75F will increase growth rate. The average will be around 75F to 80F.

Other notes:

Smoke is not healthy for any living thing, and during a party , when the concentration of smoke is very high, the plant should be moved to another room or i might die (This is not joke). Another suggestion made by one of my friends is to blow a fan on the plants when they are about 3 feet tall, this will strengthen the stem.

Look forward to Part III, which will go in depth with outside gardens.

I thank The Ferret for contributing to this text and my fellow 'burnouts' who made this possible.

End of Part II: Indoor Growing
Re: Indoor Growing

Another suggestion made by one of my friends is to blow a fan on the plants when they are about 3 feet tall, this will strengthen the stem.
shouldn't that be 3", I would think by 3' it better have a strong stem or it will not hold it self up.Some indica's I have grown only get to 3 feet when finnished. Maybe I have my facts wrong. Peace
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