Introductions please


New Member
Thought I'd introduce myself, you can call me Klondike. I'm a long time friend of cannabis and new to growing. It calms me in a way that I hope I will continue to be excited every morning like I have been. I've had a few ups and a couple downs, butttt I think they are on track now. I'll post pics once I know how everything works here. No MMJ in my state and I partake to easy my PTSD.
Welcome Klondike,

Glad you discovered some of the many healing abilities of the plant - sorry you're having to face legal issues. Nice to have you here!

Thank you for the warm welcomes. I am learning a lot from the site and I have to say that I'm only slightly addicted to reading everyone's journals. I have few questions that I'll post to the proper forum when the time comes. Thanks again and I hope to hear from you all again in my growing future.
Hello there and welcome to the site. Here you will find a wide array of information and the people who like to talk about our favorite plants. It is a amazing plant and is a pathetic shame that the government has it illegal and as a schedule 1 at that. The law has failed and will continue to fail no matter how much the government wants to keep it illegal to prop up big pharmas pill pushing nonsense. Welcome to the site and if you have questions feel free to come to my journal and ask away.
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