Is anyone familiar with Serenade Garden Disease Control Concentrate?

BWC BayArea

Member of the Month: 3rd Place Winner
Never used this product. It came highly recommended to combat/suppress powdery mildew. The instructions are rather vague.
Any assistance appreciated.
I could really use some 1 with experience using this to speak up. Maybe I'm asking my questions wrong being that they seem to frequently go unanswered. If it wasn't for staff and a handful of select members (who always end up answering my questions) I'd pretty much be on my own here. If u take info from the site try to give something back. It seems like a lot of people just need quick answers, sign up, ask, get an answer, maybe hang around for a couple days or so then u hardly ever see them log on till there's another problem. When u go to their profile and look at their posts they're all questions, no answers which is fine for a newbie. Point is we're not all newbie's, if take from here give something back. With that said, a lil help would be greatly appreciated.
never used this product but i know anything thats been approved by OMRI is organic, as u probably know lol.

Anyway i did find this and this BWC BayArea if you aint come across it yet. Hope there's something there that can help you.

The 1st link is pretty much the same as what's on the bottle. It didn't clear up the application portion of my question. I guess I'm stumped because the instructions talk about fruit bearing plants nothing similar to cannabis. I would like to hear from some one who used this on cannabis. If u peek at my grow (in signature) U may see my cause for concern. I could test on one plant 1st but I just want to get this done and out of the way. So again if U've used this please help. Thanks 4 trying Dean. Says I gotta spread some love. Can't +rep u.
the Humulus, (Hop) plant has the same genus as cannabis so if know one does not answer i'd go with application rates and use recommendations for that plant based on the fact it has the same genus. i also found this for you i think it will benefit you

1fl oz per gallon is recommended dose for Humulus, (Hop)
Took ur advice

the Humulus, (Hop) plant has the same genus as cannabis so if know one does not answer i'd go with application rates and use recommendations for that plant based on the fact it has the same genus. i also found this for you i think it will benefit you

1fl oz per gallon is recommended dose for Humulus, (Hop)
Sprayed last night, using the 1oz:1gal ratio. I will post an update and more complete product review once I can see the effects. Leaves look a lot cleaner after spraying. I'm in the 5th week. U cab see what I;m talking about by looking in my journal BWC BayAreas Largest solo grow to date (click the follow my grow link in my signature.
just bought some "Safer" fungicide spray... i will post about its effectiveness. I got it to fight the powdery shit but i actually got rid of it using high ph water.
To my understanding U don't get rid of PM its systemic, meaning it stays with the plant until it dies.U just control the outbreaks and try to keep out/off of buds. Maybe somethin like avid would work, but its illegal here and I don't wanna spray or water with toxic chemicals.
Ok so I sprayed at a ration of 1oz Serenade to a gallon of water. Used like a gallon and a half. I noticed on the smaller plants were small. to med white spots (looks like bleach was splashed on foliage), a sign of phytotoxicity. I also sprayed with the lights on and only 3 or four plants (3 small in 1 gal pots) showed these type of symptoms. The others look cool. I got some brown pistils on my indicas and some smaller lower buds on my hybrids (deep chunk X strawberry cough), my hybrids took it cool. Problem is I spotted the start of another outbreak and I don't wanna spray again this far into flower. My last crop was adversely affect by spraying in week 5, resin production was decreased like 30%-40%. Got some thinking to do. I'm thinkin maybe ozone but I don't wanna ruin smell and taste.
Problem is I spotted the start of another outbreak and I don't wanna spray again this far into flower. My last crop was adversely affect by spraying in week 5, resin production was decreased like 30%-40%. Got some thinking to do. I'm thinkin maybe ozone but I don't wanna ruin smell and taste.

You can try several homemade receipes

Baking soda solution.. you will have to play around the strength... or a
skim milk solution. Both Solutions control Powdery Mildew by changing the ph of the foilage surface. Functions as a fungistat, not a fungicide.

You could also use neemoil.

A great product that I sprayed on my plants when I got white flies (after trying a tabasco/garlic mixture that did work to some degree) and didnt notice ANY adverse change whatsoever... they actually seemed to like it was Tomatoe and Vegetable 3in1 Insecticide, Fungicide and Miticide By Bonide. The active ingredient is Clarified Hydrophobic Exract of Neem Oi.
Ok so I sprayed at a ration of 1oz Serenade to a gallon of water. Used like a gallon and a half.....Problem is I spotted the start of another outbreak and I don't wanna spray again this far into flower. My last crop was adversely affect by spraying in week 5, resin production was decreased like 30%-40%. Got some thinking to do.

Why not just try spraying the foilage that has the visible signs of PM on it... or pehaps clip off the offending leaves?
Yea I've been pinching infected leaves or at the node. I don't like to because the leaves are gonna start yellowing and falling off NE way. It can be on the leaves a little. I just don't want it on the stem and buds. I been using baking soda water to try to slow it down. Serenade says it good up to 3 days b4 harvest. I wouldn't do it. Turned pistils brown at the 1 oz/1 gal ratio. Don't want to accidentally spray bud site is y I don't try to spray affected leaves individually.
Purpose of this thread

You can try several homemade receipes

Baking soda solution.. you will have to play around the strength... or a
skim milk solution. Both Solutions control Powdery Mildew by changing the ph of the foilage surface. Functions as a fungistat, not a fungicide.

You could also use neemoil.

A great product that I sprayed on my plants when I got white flies (after trying a tabasco/garlic mixture that did work to some degree) and didnt notice ANY adverse change whatsoever... they actually seemed to like it was Tomatoe and Vegetable 3in1 Insecticide, Fungicide and Miticide By Bonide. The active ingredient is Clarified Hydrophobic Exract of Neem Oi.

Thanks for the info.I can try various other methods if I choose, yes I am aware, but this is what I purchased and I intend to get the most from it. I don't want to try any more home remedies at this point. If u read my journal I've exhausted the aforementioned options in ur quote. Click the follow my grow link in my signature. Its somewhat of a lengthy read,but u'll c what I'm talikin about. That's y I'm here with this product that is effective and came highly recommended. Thanks for ur input anyhow.

I'm still spot spraying. I sprayed a few buds to see what would happen. No ill effects as of now. We'll see come harvest how the taste and smell are affected. This shit stinks, tho. Don't now if I mentioned it, but it smells close to ass. My plants look great all things considered. The PM appears to dry on leaf surfaces. Don't know if the spores are still active. This is a personal experiment. I hope we all walk away with useful info. I'll keep posting in this review until I have a finished product. And to answer ur question,I do manually remove leaves that have the majority of the surface covered in PM. This is just my way for the moment. I'm not suggesting NE1 else not willing to take a considerate risk try this yet. I'm waiting on the final result (after a smoke report) bout another month. Keep in mind this is a review for a product to deal only with PM. If u got rid of mites and other stuff great post a review about ur experience in its own respective thread. I'm not here looking for an alternative.I desire to work with what I have for now. However if u know of a fungide for PM besides garden shears please share. They're all fungistats in regards to PM. U can't kill it (the same way we can't kill a virus), it has to run its life cycle. Its systemic as I believe u may already be aware of.
My overall evaluation

Ok so since PM can't be irradicated completely (to my knowledge) serenade is a decent fungistat. Its good at helping control the outbreaks. It will dry out the PM and leave a dusty, coarse textured residue on leaves or stems where PM once was. Best if used in veg to spray whole plant for preventative measures. Stinks to high hell , but not as bad as other sprays. Not much more I can say. It allowed me to run PM infected plants through a whole cycle. Half were harvested a week or 2 early but with the help of this product we made it. Overall I'd rate this product a 7 out of 10. I didn't really know what to expect. Worked out pretty goodd though IMO. If u have a PM problem I'd recommend giving this a shot especially if ur growing organic then this is a must have.
The most noticeable affect was on resin production. Didn't taste it after cure and can't smell it on finished product. Click the Follow My Grow (completed) in my signature. Once u get in the journal use the search this forum feature in the mid upper right hand corner type keyword serenade. U can read all about my experience with powdery mildew an Serenade. Serenade stinks but I didn't use it that close to harvest other than spot spraying foliage. Kept it off buds, except for the one I sprayed accidentally or purposely to monitor the affect. I had a few buds with PM but for the most part it help keep it manageable. Plus the strain I was working with appears to have a good resistance to pests and fungi (compared to the other 10 or so strain I've worked with). Hope this helps and welcome to our forums.
Same here. you don't realize how serious it is till flowering is covered with it. Serenade kept it at bay but couldn't kill the stuff inside the bud so the dried but stinks of fungus. I'm trying Copper next as a spray and sulfer burning. I brought the stuff home from a dispensary in Malibu. It's on all their clones and spreading throughout my garden in spite of all I can do. I hear sulfer burning does the trick but does it make your stuff taste like sulfer?
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